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I see everything I'm not supposed to see.

The way the earth moves,

The way my breath shakes the air above me.

My mouth was my first enemy.

Maybe my ears were, actually.

The sky has so many secrets,

But which ones are real?

I think, with everything that's been happening,

Nothing is.

Life will never be one little thing,

It goes on forever.

I think my ears were my first friend and enemy.

The words that were spoken to me,

Fires and spikes that pierced my insides,

The part of my body that houses my morals,

And my integrity.

It's been gone for a while now.

Maybe that's my fault.

For letting those words enter my thoughts,

And rip me apart from the very core of my existence

My mouth betrayed me.

By letting the words and the lies escape everything.

I want to know,

Are my secrets any different than what the sky tells me?

Life is a secret itself,

Nobody knows, other than us,

That breath and perception are existent.

Maybe, things like this don't exist.

Things like love,

And spirit and forgiveness.

What if, we're just,

Spare pieces of fabric in the universe,

And nothing in us matters?

Other than the constant,

Slow movement,

Of the planets above and around us.

My mind was my first friend and enemy,

With the things that I imagined.

The blue crayon lines on paper,

Turned into a wrist stained with red.

The constant laughing and crying,

Turned into a craving for nothing other than death.

But then, again,

Death was just a passing star.

A comet of ice and dust.

The celestial object in the sky,

That will never find a home,

A destination, or something to accompany it.

Death is a friend.

It was my second and most manipulative friend.

I saw it. Touched it. And almost ran away with it.

It told me stories of a land,

A land full of trees and stars.

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