𝐜 𝐡 𝐚 𝐩 𝐭 𝐞 𝐫 ᝰ໋᳝݊ 𝐭 𝐰 𝐨

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"you will from now on go bye Selena...and soon enough you'll meet my bois, and I'll make you a star" simon promises, dabbing away my tears "you'll be much bigger than y/n" he adds, opeing a door

"this is your new home, my maid sharoll will show you around and once the bois get back you'll be introduced" i sniffle, wiping another gear away

"I just want to go back to Liberia" I ststae as he snaps a picture of me "I've even made you an Instagram, you can post pictures of youself and my bois, as well as let your fans keep with you as we make your first album" he continued ignoring me, talking more and more indepth of the constructs of social media and the prospect of me becoming a singer

"minster, I can't sing...at least not like y/n" he rolled his eyes "yeah, well maybe I pucked the wrong sister!" he tossed the phone at me before heading ulstairs

"you are Selena?" a woman, wearing cassic maids uniform paired with glittery jojo siwa crocs, greeted me, tossing a pile of fabric at my feet "I will give you your if the house, then show you to your bedroom"

I frown "misstress sharoll, I don't belong here, please you have to help me escape" she smiles, opening up her arms for inviting me to hug her

as I went to embrace the woman she spat on me, then slapped me "last time I told one of you me escape plans, she ran off with the masters fourtune and the unborn child of the bois!!" She spat on me again before heading into another room, begin her my tour.

𝒔 𝒐 𝒍 𝒅  ᝰ໋᳝݊  𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now