Chapter 10

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It's 4:20am and I could feel someone lightly shaking me, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Noah, "y/n/n it's time to wake up, we have to got to set" he said with a smile on his face, I looked around to see Johnny, Annie and Hayden still sleeping beside me on the lounge (our lounge is pretty big), I get up and go to my 'apartment', Noah follows me, we walk into my 'Apartment', "wow this is cool" he says, "yea I guess, I love it but it takes a while to clean" we both laugh, "well you can wait down here, I will just go up my stairs into my room and change" I say and Noah nods, I walk up to my room and get changed into this hoodie and these tights, I brush my hair and just leave it down and then walk back down my stairs to see Noah sitting down on my lounge on his phone, "hey you really starting to look like me" I say and we both laugh, he gets up and we both walk out the door to see Paige standing in the family room, "hey Paige what are you doing" I ask, "I'm taking you guys to set today because Katie is going to stay here with the others and Billy has some work to do" Paige says, I nod, Paige starts to vlog, "so I am taking these two cuties to set today" she says while pointing the camera to me and Noah. We all walk out to the car and hop in, I sit in the back with Noah and Paige gets in the drivers seat, "please drive careful Paige" I say to her, Noah laughs, "Y/n I have my licence" Paige reply's in a jokking but serious kinda way, we all laugh and Paige starts to drive and I start to get nervous.


We just pulled up at startbucks Paige insisted we get some because we woke up at 4:20am, we are going through the drive through, "what would you like Noah" Paige asks him, "uh could I get a Caremel Frappuccino please" he says, "I love your accent" Paige says, "thanks" he replies, I just smile, we pull up to the window, "hi could I get 2 caremel Frappuccinos and a pink drink please" Paige says, we pay and get out of the drive through, Paige gives me and Noah ours and we all start making our way to set.


We just got to set but we are still in the car, I decided to vlog before we go in, "ok guys I am here with Noah and Paige, me and Noah have set and today Paige is taking us, we are at the Set right now so I won't be able to film andything more once we get out of the car" I say to the camera, "well I will see you guys after set" I say to the camera and turn it off, we hop out of the car, we are still filming on the farm like thing, Paige heads over to the 'break space' and me and Noah head off the hair and makeup, I walk in and greet our makeup stylists, we never get much makeup on only like some powder and usually some makeup that looks like dirt. I then head to Hair and greet my hair stylist, she is very nice, she does my hair in two outside braids. Noah has just finished getting his done so me and him both walk over to Wardrobe, wordrobe told us they already put our clothes for our first scene in our trailers, we both walk over to our trailers which are right next to each other, I get changed into this, I walk out of my trailer and see Noah waiting, we both walk over to the set and wait for our scene to be called. For this scene it is the scene where Marcus is told by his father that he is going to be taught how to hunt but Marcus dosen't want to, but then he sees me walking with Regan (his big sister, who is played by Millie Simmons) he then asks his dad if I could come and he says sure and that's how it goes and we also film another scene straight after it aswell. Me and Noah are just sitting on the side talking, when he randomly asks me, "do you like anyone", I am confused but still answer, "yea a little, why do you ask" I say, "uh no reason" he says, I wonder if he likes someone, to be honest I like Noah but I also think Johnny is great but I don't think I like Johnny in that way, Johnny is a really great friend, the director then calls our scene out, me and Noah walk out on set, "action" the director calls,


~Marcus's POV~

"I am going to teach you how to hunt today" my dad signs, I shake my head no, "I don't want to learn how to" I sign back, "I think it's about time you learn how to Marcus" my dad signs, I shake my head no, I then see Madison walking with Regan, I smile at her and then get an idea, "well I will go if Madison can join" I sign to my father, "well I guess it's not such a bad idea" my father signs, me and my dad walk over to Regan and Madison.

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