PROLOGUE first draft

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The Bipolar Memoirs of Winter Riley


My name is Winter Riley, and I really didn’t, erhm scratch that, don’t really want to write down for public consumption my wild, sad, sometimes intoxicating, many times manic, more times depressing herstory  for all to read… but I tell myself and I tell myself quite a bit on a daily basis that in this specific case that my story could maybe help or encourage others.. women…..mothers…people of color ( hate that term)…oh hell ANYONE DAMN BODY that has felt anything near to what I have felt and and become lost in it the circling drain, rollercoaster madness of it all… if opening my closet and shining a torch, a bright burning bonfire of flames onto my life as a bipolar mother of color… than my life and all its glory and grief will not have been in vain.

Bull shit… no one will care…but now that the words are starting to magically appear on the page, I may be unable to staunch the flow…of memories, laughter, tears, pain, shame….basically the story of my life.

“I appear at times merry and in good heart, talk, too, before others quite reasonably, and it looks as if I felt, too, God knows how well within my skin. Yet the soul maintains its deathly sleepand the heart bleeds from a thousand wounds.”   Hugo Wolf


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