If you love me, don't let me go

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It's been a while since I wrote anything, so sorry in advance if the story seems a bit rushed or awkward. Also, English is not my native language, sorry for my grammar or weird sentences.

This story is based on a dream I had. In my dream Delirious was in a relationship with Wildcat, Moo and Vanoss. It was from Delirious perspective and he seemed to be struggling with the fact that he had to say goodbye. Alas, this story was born into existence.

I hope you enjoy.

Warnings; it's a polyamory relationship (multiple people in a romantic relationship), it's gay (yay!) and slight angst.

If anything of these things are not your thing, or trigger you, be warned. I'd advice you not to read.

Also, this is my first story in the BBs fandom.

To everybody else, I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think of it.


Delirious loved his boyfriends.

He really, really did.

He loved al three of them equally.

Although he was nervous as hell, he had finally decided to meet up with the group. Not at some convention, just an invitation for them to come visit him at his home. His house wasn't big enough for all of them to stay over, so some of his friends stayed at Cartoonz' s place.

Jonathan still recalls finally meeting everybody face to face. It was exciting, nerve wrecking and absolutely wonderful. His friends were absolutely wonderful.

Time flew by and soon a lot of his friends left, either going to a hotel or to stay at Cartoonz's place. Delirious thanked his long time friend, he wouldn't have done it without Luke's help and support. As Luke left, it was only him, Evan, Brock and Tyler left.

Some say it was in that evening something bloomed between the four of them. Some say it was the heart to heart conversations that happened in the dark of the night, in between yawns and sleepy noises. In between the rustling of sheets and sleeping bags, chuckles and silent confessions of loneliness.

Delirious didn't exactly now when it had started, or when, but he didn't care. The four of them met up multiple times in the last few years, as soon as they could and whenever they could. Somewhere along the way, their relationship changed.

Was it the fact they saw each other so much? Or was it they simply grew closer together? Or was it that one night of drinking at his house that changed it completely?

Remembering that night made a smile appear on Delirious' face. He remembers sitting at the kitchen table, Tyler refusing to talk to them after accidentally confessing on liking multiple people. Brock questioning if he was bi or gay or poly, Evan was pestering him to tell them who it was.

Jonathan, having a few too many drinks himself, had sat silently. He disappeared into his own head, he felt scared. For sometime he had felt odd, especially around these particular friends. And now, as Evan was still pestering Tyler and Brock kept asking questions, he felt like he had no chance with them. Hope had sparked at Tyler's confession, but it was soon replaced by fear as the big man refused to answer.

Brock suddenly asked if he was okay, shocking him out of his thoughts, making it go quiet. He suddenly felt the tears slowly making their way down his face. "Delirious?" Tyler asked, with so much concern in his voice. The silence and stares felt suffocating, he felt the need to get away and quick. He stood and tried to run to the stairs, out of the kitchen, through the living room and towards the hall.

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