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Michelangela Renaldi

Nicknames: Michelle, Angel, Angie

Hometown: Renaldi Mansion, Outside Rome, New York

Weapons: Nunchucks, tessen, whip, kusarigama

Body type: Hourglass, curvy, blessed in 'certain areas'

-has a smaller shell than the other turtles, and is more flexable

-wears orange (Doesn't like pink, thank you very much!)

-Voice: Selena Gomez

-Personality: Fun-loving, cheery, but when she gets angry, run for the hills.

Likes: Comics, orange crush, pizza, baking, cooking, skateboarding, dancing

Dislikes: Shredder, the Foot clan, when  her friends and family get hurt

Friends: Anna (Adoptive mom), Richard (Deceased, Adoptive dad), Raph (later), Donnie (later), Leo (later), April, Vern, Casey, Splinter

Enemies: Purple Dragons, Hun, Shredder

Background: She was a female slider turtle, genetically engineered by Sacks. Being kept separate from the other turtles, it's not known if she's related to them or not. After April rescued them from the fire, a storm occurred and in the process, Michelle was swept away from them in a current and wound up outside of New York City and was found by her adoptive mom. And since she and her husband couldn't have kids of their own, they adopted her. Michelle spent her life homeschooled, but she has a few human friends who know of her existence. Her dad recommended that she take up ninjutsu to defend herself. Since then, crime in Rome, New York has been low since she wanted to help others.

Skills: Ninja Stealth, Strength (but not as much as Raph), flexability thanks to her smaller shell, sewing

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