Story time... (sad story)

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(In this one universe I die as a soldier and I actually fell bad for the officers who have to say there dead cause there the ones who get most of the heavy weight )

June 21st 2018.. Alpha company 30 clicks out of Kabul on a patrol when a group of suicide bombers would plan a ambush

Comms: Alpha company we are detecting strange signals coming from all around you take caution

Got it " he holds his M4 by his side looking at a picture of his family as his friend walks by

Kyle: wish I was going home to a family but nobody likes me"

You'll find someone Kyle trust me"

Soon a group of people yelled

Bombers: almawt libaladak (death to your country) as they charged the battalion

Comms: alpha company get your asses out of there it's a trap " soon there was gun shots and explosions

Comms: alpha company... Alpha company what is your status

Soon bravo company would rush over to location as bravo company found body pieces everywhere

Bravo: command... Alpha company didn't make it there all gone "

Soon the general in the room threw his headset "fucking hell set the base to DEFCON 3... I need a C-130 prepped tonight... Tell command back home about the deaths cause im not fucking going to every single fucking house alpha company lives just to fucking say there dead  alright I done that to many times you know on how many family's life's I had to ruin due to it" as the general sits down upset as ever "if I had to do it one more time I would kill myself "

Lt : C-130 is prepped for tonight,

Gen: alright tell bravo company and Charlie company there going to be there... Alpha company was the best god dam division we had and know we lost them

Later that night- aka morning in America

Eight soldiers would put about 8-15 caskets onto the C-130

Jason: we got one last stop. Some place called gravity falls.. God why do I do this, it's like the worst thing I have to do"

Later in gravity falls-

Pacifica was doing a press conference about something as then Jason sighs "just do it.. Get it over with then retire" as Jason walks up "mayor can we speak to you in private "

Pacifica looks at them "why"

Jason: I don't want to explain it infront of everyone "

Pacifica: what is it, your making this sound like its a bad thing " (advice to listen to this song before reading the next part)

Jason: it is a bad thing" Jason didn't want to break the news infront of the whole dam town

Pacifica: just spit it out"

Jason: alright you want to know.. Your husband was killed in a suicide bombing.. He and the whole company was killed alright "

Ok we basically know what happens next cause im sure we all seen on TV or on movies them doing those scenes or on YouTube soo yeah

I have no mean attitude but I had to make it cause it is an what if scenario

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