♠️ᴘʜᴀsᴇ ɴɪɴᴇ♠️

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It was only the early evening, the beginning of opening hours of The Vortex. A few customers had already filed in to avoid the late evening crowd.

Jimin had a painful look on his face as he mixed up a drink for an alcohol craving customer. "You look in pain, it something wrong?" The dark brunette Male with chocolate brown eyes asked.

The bartender rolled his eyes. "It's nothing you should worry about sir. Just a bit strained from working out." He places the house on the rocks on the  marble bar top.

The older chocolate haired male sipped on the drink. "It's good as always. Thanks for the drink." He paid for the drink, placing the amount on the counter along with a generous tip of a ten dollar bill. Jimin put the money in the register, slipping the tip in his pocket.

The bartender continued to repeat his same steps for other alcohol thirsty customers taking a seat at the bar. A select few had a deadly twist to them.

The chocolate brown eyes of the oldest male followed the bartender. "I know who you really are Jimin, don't play innocent." He eyed the silver tag with the younger males name in it.

His coffee toned eyebrow raised as he mixed up a concatenation. "If you're so smart, then who am I?" A scoff came from the mouth of Jimin.

The older male whispered, leaning over the bar. "Poison."

His eyes shifted back and forth. "Who are you?" The voice of the male dress in bartender wear had lowered.

"The father of someone you killed." The hands of the chocolate haired male slammed down on the bar, as he left at a rapid pace.


Namjoon and Yoongi day within their house. The monitors of the computers were bright infront of them. The light flooded over their faces in their office.

Yoongi has a smirk plastered upon his face. "Do you have him?"

A camera focused on a still unconscious Seokjin with the police station. "Don't worry, I've got him." The voice of Hoseok came from the body camera.

"Perfect." Namjoon chuckled evilly. "You know what to do right?" His head tilted, a grape purple bristle galled upon his golden toned face.

A laugh came from the other end. "We wouldn't have planned this just to forget hm?"

"Just get it done." The black haired male barked at the younger male over the camera's microphone, putting his legs on top of the desk.


Officer Foster walked into the room, eyebrows raised. Hoseok was sat typing information onto his laptop about ongoing cases. "What happened to him?"

The Forensic officer looked over the older blonde female with his dark orbs. "I found him last night on patrol. He was the victim of an assault." The description was brief.

The lemon cake haired woman walked over to see the condition of Jin. "It looks as if he was struck in the head with a gun. Look up his files once he's awake to give a name."  Her emerald globes gazed upon him in a familiar manner. 

After a few moments, without any notices the older male flickered his eyes open, looking around the station with a perplexed look having been sketched on his face as he saw the location was present in. "How'd I get here?"

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