Close Friends to Strangers

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Omfg, hi. I'm so sorry for the last retarded book I made, I bet this won't be any better. But I hope you like this. Ok I'm annoying so enjoy this.


Ian and I have been friends since we were little kids, of course he's older just like my brother Mickey. Mickey and Ian were pretty close as well, but I only had Ian and Mickey in my life. They were the only people I could count on to be there for me.
How Y/N met Ian-

Y/N grew up here with her brother Mickey, and her sister Mandy. Y/N was always a quiet child and was always the 'perfect one' of the family. Y/N was sitting on the floor cuddled into her blanket when Mickey and a redheaded, cute boy came through the front door with him. That's when Mickey introduced the cute boy to Y/N and they soon became good friends.

Ian POV-

I was sitting on the couch with Y/N watching TV waiting for Mickey to get back home, I needed to get something off my chest with Y/N, I'm scared to tell her I'm gay, but at the same time I can't just hide it from her. "Y/N, can we talk?" She turned to me with a confused look on her face, "yeah sure, what about?" I went silent for a bit until she grabbed my hand, "you know you can tell me anything, right?" I smiled and said, "I know, I'm just... scared." I looked into her E/C eyes and just said it, "I'm gay." She smiled but it was weak, it looked... fake. Y/N never fake smiles, did I say it too soon? "I'm happy for you Ian, I really am." She quickly let go of my hands and stood up, "I gotta go to the bathroom." She rushed to the bathroom. And I was left thinking if I said it too soon, and other thoughts.


I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door, I sat on the floor and cried, I mean I'm not mad or anything, I'm happy for him, but I've felt a certain way towards Ian for years now. I've liked him for awhile now. I can't just forget about these feelings. I sat there crying for about 5 minutes, I guess Ian knew something was wrong because he knocked the bathroom door. "Y/N, are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for awhile now." I sniffed a little bit and wipped the tears away, "yeah I-I'm fine, I'm just... gonna take a shower." I heard Ian sigh before saying, "o-okay" and walking away. I got undressed and took a short shower.

// Time Skip to when Mickey gets home//

Ian POV-

I was sitting and watching something random on the TV, that's when I heard the bathroom door swing open and Y/N ran up the stairs and shut her door. This isn't like her, at all. I stood up to go confront her about this, but Mickey walked through the door. He walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek, I've been with Mickey for a couple days now. I feel bad that I haven't told Y/N about this too. "Mickey, I told Y/N that I'm gay..." he looked into my eyes, "how'd she take it?" I looked towards the stairs and back at Mickey, "I think she just needs time to process this all." Mickey gave a small smile before kissing me on the lips, as Mickey pulled away I heard Y/N's voice. "What the fuck?" Mickey instantly ran after her as she slammed the front door, Mickey couldn't find her after walking around the yard and looking around for a bit. I decided to go home before anything else happened.


I ran really fast to Carl's house, Carl is Ian's brother and my good friend too, I know I can talk to him about this. I knocked on the door with tears running down my face. Carl answered and he looked concerned, he pulled me through the front door and up the stairs. Everyone was downstairs watching TV. Carl had me sit on his bed and he shut the door. He sat down in front of me on the floor. "What happened and who the hell did this to you?" I looked at him and told him everything. Carl gave me long hugs and whispered sympathetic words to me, it calmed me down a lot. I soon calme down enough to watch TV with the rest of them, at least they didn't bring up what happened.

//time skip: 5 Minutes//

I felt my phone go off. I looked at the notification... Mickey was calling me. I walked upstairs and answered the phone. "What?" He sounded really worried, "I've been looking everywhere for you, Ian's going all over town looking for you." I then told him to not worry about me and that I'm with Carl right now. I hung up before he could say anything else. Carl came up the stairs and hugged me. "Do you want to stay over? You can wear my clothes." I smiled and said sure. Ian came through the door as me and Carl walked down the stairs, Carl looked up to see Ian and he grabbed my hand and he leaned on me. I didn't know what he was doing at first unit I saw Ian. I squeezed Carl's hand a little bit and he kissed me on the cheek like we were a thing. Ian saw us sit down on the floor in front of the TV, I wanted to go along with his fake dating thing and I put my head down on his lap. Ian spoke up and said, "Y/N, I need to talk to you." I sat up and looked at Ian, "...ok" I got up and as I was walking over to Ian Carl grabbed my hand softly and rubbed it a little, god he's the best friend I could ever want. I walked outside with Ian and we sat there in silence before he spoke up. "It wasnt what you think it is." I got furious and said, "oh so kissing my brother in front of me 'isn't what it looks like'." He looked down with sadness in his eyes, "I wanted to tell you about us a week before we became a thing, but I was afraid you'd get mad at me." Tears started running down my face as I said, "you could have just fucking told me! I wouldn't have cared about you two, but you lied to me!" Ian said nothing but I finished the conversation off with, "you know what, I thought I knew you, Ian Gallagher, but I was wrong. I don't know you at all. We can just go back to being strangers." I walked back inside before he could say anymore.  Carl walked back upstairs with me and gave me a pair of his sweat pants and a baggy T-shirt, I got dressed in the bathroom. I walked back in to see Carl putting his shirt on, he turned around and saw me standing there like an idiot. He chuckled and slid under the covers, I got under after setting my clothes and phone down on his dresser. "Can I... wrap my arms around you?" I turned over facing him and I curled into his chest. I needed this company and comfort.
I soon dozed off to sleep as well as Carl.


Damn this was a lot, I'm sorry if this went too fast for your liking. I'm just trying to think of different stuff. Ok bye peoples😂👌🏻

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