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Yes!! I finally finished editing ittttt. Ugh this took so long..

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy reading the first chapter of his  V E R Y  long story!

And yes I'm aware I put Jimin's lie in this but hey, it suits the story tbh and I'm not forcing you to listen to it so relax guys ;) 


You couldn't be late to school, not today.

You ran past people in a panic to reach the subway. The forecast said it was going to rain today, but your 110 IQ brain forgot that. Not that it mattered anyway, you had no idea where your umbrella went. 'So long dear friend..'

Thankfully it wouldn't rain for another hour or so, that was your saving grace for the day. You only wished it could've been used for something else though.

You reached the subway just in time and pushed your way into the cramped train, managing to grab the last seat. You held your bag tight, so tight that you could've sworn that your papers were gonna be in crumples by the time you left. "Maybe today won't be as hectic as I predicted". You think to yourself, as you tried to doze off for the duration of the ride for Shujin Academy.

Normally you were never late, not once did you ever miss school on purpose, and you wouldn't dare over sleep. After all, you were the student council vice president! You were a straight A student for goodness sakes! You were the person every student would look to for help and advice, a role model. Only second to Makoto, but even then you both were identical in terms of efficiency and marks.

So why were you late?

Well, you weren't late, not really. It's just your student council meetings start before school does and that's what you couldn't be late for. You had many things flooding your mind last night and you ended up oversleeping.....again.

Luckily your 3rd alarm woke you up. If not for that, Makoto would've freaked and frantically sent enough messages for the constant dinging to wake you up.

The train had stopped and you made your way past the other passengers. You put your headphones on and started making your way to school. The sweet humming of the arrangement the music played coupled with the dreary clouds that started making themselves known, were making you regret even waking up this morning. It was all slowly making you sleepy once more. The world around you was really testing you today; seeing how long you could go on without collapsing to get some sleep.

As you made your way towards the school, you spotted the alleyway that Ryuji and you would walk through together. You flinched at the thought of just hanging around Ryuji again. As badly as you wanted to again, as badly as you wanted to say sorry and make him smile, you couldn't. There was just something standing in your way, why lie to yourself? There was someone in your way.

The gloomy clouds plagued the skies above you but it didn't matter now, you'd finally reached school. Walking through the empty halls seemed to take more effort than usual. It seemed the feeling of the desolate halls had caused you to forget about your surroundings, as you had completely tuned out a squeaky voice shouting your name.

"Y/N! Y/N! CAN YOU EVEN HEAR ME!? Oh GoD!" She hollered, as she tried to close the gap between the two of you.

You lept back as the girl caught up to you and grabbed your shoulder. She then continued to slump forward, crouching, in an attempt at catching her breath. "Arine? What's wrong?! You look exhausted." You say in confusion as you take out the headphones from your ears.

Arine suddenly shot up at what you had said, with only frustration to be dissected from her expression and beads of sweat showering down from her hair.

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