Like You a Latte

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 "Morning Haas," you smiled brightly as you walked into the coffee shop and shrugged off your jacket.

Damien looked up as he was finishing organizing the counter. "Good morning, y/n. You're early as usual."

"I like being early. Means I get to mess with you before customers come in." You walked over behind the counter and hung up your jacket and grabbed your apron.

"You do like doing that a lot." Damien chuckled and turned to place more cups in a stack.

You and Damien had been working together for almost six months now. You needed a job and the coffee shop down the street from your apartment was perfect. Damien was eager for a new co-worker and found your hard-working enthusiasm to be refreshing. He also just really liked you in general. You were fun to be around and work with.

Damien glanced over at you as you plugged your phone into the aux and scrolled through your many playlists. It wasn't required of you to make them, but you loved making them for the shop to give it a more cozy/homey feeling. Damien knew how much you enjoyed doing it and always let you be in charge of music when you both worked.

"What's on the playlist for today?" he asked as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

"I was thinking of something new that I found last night. There's a song I thought you would enjoy," you said excitedly and pressed play on the song you had found. You loved adding little songs for Damien to listen to. He was always happy to listen. You didn't know that he had put all of the songs you gave to him in a playlist of his own.

"What is it and who is it by?" Damien asked as the song started playing, flowing through the small shop.

"Imaginary Lines by Young Mister. I like the guitar and I also love this guy's voice. It's calming."

Damien watched you hop up on the counter, sitting on it as you closed your eyes and listened to the song. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He loved these moments at work more than anything.

A few hours later, things were rather busy. You barely had any time to even look in Damien's direction as you took and made orders. He was doing the same, moving past you like a flash as he greeted new customers that walked through the door and got what they needed. You both worked like a clock, no bumping into each other, barely any mistakes. You knew what you were doing, even on the busiest of mornings.

Damien glanced up as he got a chance to breathe after handing coffee to a customer and saw his best friend, Shayne walk through the door.

"Hey Shayne, give me like two minutes and I'll get your coffee," Damien told him. Shayne nodded and stood against the wall to wait patiently.

You sighed as your last customer in your line got their things and you looked around. "I'm going to clear off some tables real quick. Cover the counter while I'm gone?" you asked and looked at Damien.

"Yeah sure, of course," Damien nodded. "Most of the crazy morning traffic is gone. I got this."

"Thanks," you smiled and grabbed a rag before heading out to clean off tables and interact with some of the customers you knew.

Shayne walked over to the counter as Damien started making his coffee. "So how are things this morning?"

"Busy as usual," Damien shrugged. "You know how mornings go around here."

Shayne nodded and noticed the music playing lightly in the background. "New playlist?" he asked with a knowing look in his eye.

"Yeah, Y/N made a new one. It has some really cool stuff in it. I think this one is my favorite so far," Damien nodded, not seeing Shayne's face light up.

Like you a Latte - Damien Haas One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now