Enter Wendy

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Chapter 4:

Hello everyone!

I know that I haven't been updating the story. Sorry .

But I'm back!

First: I want to thank those of you who have read! Without you I would not be able to continue writing this story! You guys decide if I write another chapter or not.

Second: I want to make it clear that I will be rewriting this whole story. Not at the moment (maybe) but when I finish it. I feel that this story has so much potential that I cannot write this first time through.

Also after reading through what I've written so far I've noticed some grammatical errors and typos my editor and I never caught.

With that said I present this chapter!

The dark blue haired mage opened the door to the infirmary, looking around for anyone who might be in the room at the time. Finding no one, the young girl slipped inside and slowly closed the door. She then made her way to the bed in the back corner inhabited by at young woman, her wild light brown waves framed her face, spreading out like a fan.

By now the whole guild had learned of her identity. This girl dressed in foreign clothing now had a name to match her face. Janine Murakami. The Rose Of Fairy Tail, or so she had been called before her mother took her away. Wendy desperately wanted to meet her. The young girl's childish mind curious to see the color of the unconscious woman's irises. She had heard that they were the most unusual color. A dark pink. Like a Rose.

It had been a week and the poor girl still had not waken up. Wendy, the blue haired girl who was currently sneaking in the room, kept insisting she use her healing magic to heal her wounds. However the pure white exceed who made it her duty to watch over the young girl forbade her to do so. So Wendy made an executive decision. She was going to sneak into the infirmary and heal Janine.

When she reached the girl's bed she nearly tripped over someone's leg. Startled she stepped back behind the front of the empty bed beside Janine's and peered around the wooden footrest. Laying on the floor beside the bed was Laxus Dreyar, his backup against the wall and his arm draped across his torso.

She took in his form, sleeping, dark shadows under his closed eyes. It was obvious that hadn't been getting an adequate amount of sleep. It took a while but the girl was able to remember the reason why he would even be here. She hasn't met the Master's grandson and heard he was not a pleasant man. But then she remembered the conversation she had overheared the other night.

It was around seven in the evening and she was exploring around the town by herself. She was rounding a corner when she heard the voices of Lucy and Cana. She was about to walk up to the pair but then she saw the intemadating form of the youngest Dreyar. So she stepped back around the corner and, against her better judgement, listened in.

"Laxus," Cana seemed to be arguing with him. "You have to come back! We really need you to come back with us!" The sky Dragon slayer could tell the heavy drinker was annoyed, her voice hardening with every word.

"Why should I?" his arrogant reply came shortly after Cana finished her plea. "I was expelled. The old man would probably kill me if I stepped ten feet from the entrance."

At this point Lucy stepped forward and slapped the lightning mage. Wendy opened her eyes wide at the sound. Lucy slapping someone other than Natsu or Gray? And a hard one by the sound of it. "You don't have a choice in this, Laxus. You are coming with us!" she told him. The Blue haired girl made a note to never anger the celestial spirit mage.

"No." was his reply.

"You listen to me you ass." Lucy huffed. "You have someone waiting for you. And by the sound of it, you've been waiting for her too. Now, if I spend most of my time searching for someone, I would like to know when they return. And I would sure as Hell be waiting at her bedside while she is unconscious!"

The next few moments were filled with a shocked and uncomfortable silence.

"You mean Janine is home?" Laxus finally asked, breaking the stale air. "Has she really come home?"

"Yes." Wendy could hear the smile in Cana's voice. "But she hasn't woken up."

"We were out on a job and she showed up asking if we were from fairy tail. When we told her we were she told us she needed to speak to Master and then collapsed. That was yesterday." Lucy explained, clearing things up with Wendy as well.

"Did she have any injuries? Anything that would cause her to collapse?" The change from arrogant asshole to concerned friend surprised the young girl. So maybe that rude attitude Laxus had about everything was just a front he had up for everyone.

"Not that we clould see." Lucy tolds him. "It would be better if you just came back."

Laxus made a sound of disagreement. "I doubt it." The man snorted. "Even if I do go back to the guild I'll just be kicked back out."

"We'll sneak you in the back and then I'll go talk to Master." Cana told him. "You just have to come back."


Talk to Master Makarov she did. The whole guild hall was filled with shouts from the two of them for about an hour before the drinker emerged victorious.

'So that's why he's here..He must care a lot about her.' she thought to herself still looking at his unconscious form. 'I bet he hasn't slept for a while...I better be quiet or I'll wake him up.' Stepping over his legs she made her way to Janine's side. She lifted her arms and placed her hands on the girl. Focusing, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and-. "What do you think you're doing?"

The low voice startled Wendy and she let jumped back, falling over Laxus's legs and crashing into the empty bed beside Janine's. "I'm so sorry I wanted to heal Janine but Carla wouldn't let me so I snuck in here to do it anyway and im so sorry!" she pulled her legs up and buried her face into them, furiously apologizing to whoever the voice belonged to.

"Whoa hold up a second, I can't understand you." the voice said. "I'm not going to hurt you, blue hair. I promise." Wendy lifted her head to see the annoyed face of the Master's grandson. "Your name is Wendy isn't it?"

She let out a terrified squeak and buried her face into her knees again. "Y-yes please don't hurt me!" she begged.

"Listen, squeaker, I already told you I would hurt you. What'd they tell you about me, hmm?" he asked, frowning. "I'm not a bad guy I was just going through a bad thing." Laxus pulled his legs underneath him and sat up against the wall again.

Wendy peaked up from her not-so-good hiding place and looked at him. "So you aren't going to hurt me?" she asked timidly.

"Hell no." was his answer. Yawning, he stretched his arms up and looked up at the girl on the bed. "That is, unless you hurt her." he clarified.

"I just wanted to heal her." Wendy said quietly. Everyone's been waiting for her to wake up...But Carla said it would be too taxing for me to heal her. So I snuck in here to do it anyway." she explained.

Laxus didn't say anything. He just looked from the blue haired girl to the brunette. Then he brought his arms up and placed them behind his head, closing his eyes. Wendy didn't know what to make of this. Should she leave? Should she stay where she was? Heal Janine? If only she had listened to Carla she wouldn't be in this mess...

"Well?" Laxus asked. "Aren't you gonna do what you came here to do, Squeaker?" He raised an eyebrow at her and she blinked a few times before realizing what he was saying.

"R-right!" she said, standing up and moving over to Janine's beside, a smile on her face. " A-and my name is Wendy". On the floor beside her Laxus smirked, closing hours eyes again and leaning back against his folded arms. It was time to heal the mysterious Rose of Fairy Tail.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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