Muddy sneakers and baggy jeans

25 4 7

Drops of wet mud fly around and land on my cheek as i kick the football towards the meadow. Passing it between lines of planted trees, scaring the cats away as it lands in a pool of water. 

"There's no stopping now," I think to myself and a grin appears on my face as i kick it once more and chase after it and finally hit it in the so-called 'goal' i made out of palm leaves and lose branches.

I'm about to congratulate myself for such a well aimed shot when someone tackles me from behind and i feel a small scream escape my lips. I whip my head back to see Tim, my boy friend and best friend, grinning.

"Gosh, you scared me,"I pass him a sly smile as i run a hand through my short tangled hair. 

"I know," he grins again as i slap his bicep playfully,"Nice shot."

I see him run forward towards the ball a i brush mud off of my baggy jeans. I stare at my sneakers, once white and now completely carpeted in mud. I dont even attempt to clean them as i catch up with Tim.

I'm Aidan Waldorf, your normal teenage girl obsessed with football and Even though Tim is a couple of inches taller than me and is around 6 months older, i beat him in races because of my natural talent of speed. He's got better aim though, pity. We both play football for fun and well to get scholarships for college since we're graduating this year. Speaking of graduating, can we talk about how my first day as a senior at Rose Wood High school starts tomorrow. 

"Tim hold up, im gonna get you!" I chase after him when i see him grabbing my ball and running to the streets with it.


"Mom! I'm home," I yell and i grin when i hear no reply. 

I spent the past half an hour running around the neighbor hood after Tom, laughing till my stomach hurt, and i finally managed to get my ball back. I'm covered with leaves and mud so i grab a knee length plain grab shirt which has 'Cool Girls Club' written on it and i hit the showers.

As i blow dry my hair i look at how much it's grown over the summer. I got a pixie cut  months ago and now its almost till my shoulders and it looks good, decent. I'm entering my room, ready to raid the pantry for a pack of chips and settle down for a movie when i hear mum scream my name. She's home? No, she would have just came.

I rush downstairs only to be welcomed by mum yelling at me for bringing my dirty sneakers so instead of the movie i spend the next hour cleaning the patches of mud from the house, best way to spend the last moments of summer, right?

By the time i'm done, every limb in my body hurts so i just call it a night and hop in bed, never knowing that tomorrow my life would completely change.


Okay, theres ur first update! Shorter than ever, but i honestly dont have any spare time now days lmao so just be happy :) expect another update this weekend, dont keep ur hopes too high, toodles.

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