Old friends and bad time tables

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I sigh as i dump the last textbook in my backpack, sling it over and run downstairs. I'm half way down when the smell of waffles and chocolate fills my nose and i grin as i jump on the couch with my plate.

"Good morning to you too," My older brother, Mike, calls out as he washes his dishes.

"Aiden,"I sigh as i hear Finn,"Aiden!"

I turn around to find him with a small paper boat and a huge grin.

"Woah, little guy," I take the boat from his hand as i examine it," You made this?"

He nods his head enthusiastically and then snatches it from my hands as he runs outside.

"Where's the fire," I hear mom call out as she appears from the hall way in her red shirt and blue jeans, the normal uniform for the super market. Mum works at the small shop around the corner. It doesnt get us much but with both me and Mike working, we manage fine.

"Hey mum," I smile as i dig into my waffles. 

She returns my smile before concern laces her eyes,"Where's Finn gone to?"

I shrug,"He went to run his paper boat. Quit worrying." I smile at her.

I hear mum's little chuckle before i hear the horn blare from outside. I grab my phone, kiss mum's cheek, give a pleading look to Mike asking if he can wash my dishes and run outside.

"Bye little guy!" I call out to Finn as i open the door to Tim's car.

"Hey," he smiles as he peeks my lips.

I sigh with a smile on my lips when i smell the familiar scent of his cologne and after shave.

"Long night?" He asks as he reverses.

"Not really," I reply as i smooth the hem of my blue button down shirt and tuck it in my denim shorts properly. Despite our family not having enough money, i get my clothes from this cool vintage store for a couple of dollars and not trying to boast but i usually have a wild and creative taste in outfits. Today, since it's the first day of senior school, i went for normal to put a good first impression in front of the teachers.

"You nervous?" Tim asks as he turns his eyes from the road to look at me, breaking the silence.

I shrug,"Not really. Why?"

He smiles slyly,"You were thinking pretty hard".

That comment earns him a slap on his bicep.


I push the familiar doors of Rosewood High open as i enter, pushing my way through the swarm of children. 

"I'll go get our timetables from the office," Tim smiles as he peeks my cheek one last time and turns around a hallway. Suddenly something, more like someone grabs me from the back.

"Aidey!!" Ellis says in a childish voice, with his head inside my hair as he tackles me in a back hug.

"Oh sweet lord," I try to get out of his hold as i laugh,"I hate it when you call me that!"

I can hear him smirk,"All the more reason to say it."

I kick him between his legs and try to hide a smile when i hear a shrill "Ow!"

I turn back to be welcomed by a glare from Ellis and yet another hug from Will.

"Okay!Okay," I fight back,"Enough hugs for a day!"

I hear a small chuckle from my friend, Emily.

"Em!" I throw my arms around her and i feel her hug me back as she laughs.

"So Em doesnt get hit in the balls, no fair!" I hear Ellis mutter and my smile grows.

Gosh, i missed these nutballs.

 That's our group: Emily, Tim, Will, Ellis and me. It's been like that since second grade when me and Ellis had a fight over crayons and Will and Emily helped us solve it. Tim was just a shy kid staring at us play. Well, there used to be one more member to this group but we parted ways 2 years back and it was for the best.

The boys are arguing about something as i fail to notice the missing part of the group, Mia Jackson: British, Typical green eyed blonde hair cut in a short bob, every guys dream, every girls nightmare, and filthy rich.

Looking back at it, people would be surprised to find out she used to hang out with us: middle class, football, skateboard, nerdy no bodies. Of course it doesnt show now, any ties we had with her, she cut them two years ago when she started liking the football quarter back, John. Will was crushed because even though he never said it out loud, he always had a thing for her. After that, every hang out ended up in a fight. Mia tried to include John in the group but Will always became angry and John didn't want to ruin his reputation by hanging out with the loser club so in the end Mia chose popularity and John over...well us. 

Sad, im aware. But we're fine. Well, most of us. I always used to be extremely close with Mia and she always used to fascinate me. Her beauty, her casual coolness, how she never boasted about her money, her light laugh, the way she threw her head back. I still noticed her. Of course i do. Apparently im not the only one. Out of the corner of my eye i see Will wince at the sight of Mia and John sucking at each others faces, they've been going two years strong to say the least.

Ellis starts making duck faces and imitating them as I glare at him and Emily pats Will softly.

He smiles at us, "Thanks guy."

"No problem," Emily passes him a warm smile.

He sighs,"I gotta go to the bathroom, i'll meet you in break."

We see him rush off and i shrug as i turn around and bump into someone.

'Hey! Watch it," I say my eyebrows scrunched.

'Easy angry bird," Tim grins at me handing me my time table.

"Sorry,"i mutter staring at my first lesson. Math.

"I have math too," Tim smiles (yeah he saw my time table.)

I feel him put an arm around me.

"Lets head to class."

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