Bendy x Depressed female reader

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Requested by Dragon12576

You sighed as you were awoken from your stupid annoying alarm clock. You slammed your hand down on top of it to make it stop and sat up on your bed. "Ugh I fucking hate Monday's" you said as you rubbed you eyes and looked at your closet. You picked out an outfit to wear and started brushing your hair, taking a shower, etc. You wore a long sleeve, like you do most of the time to hide the cuts on your wrists. You didnt even bother eating something at home so you just headed off to school. You put in some ear buds and started listening to some music on your phone.

When you got to the bus stop you stared blankly at all the kids. Some of them just stared at you and went back to talking to their friends. You dont understand why no one really ever talks to you. You just ignored everyone and let the music drown out everyone else. When the bus came you got on and thought about how shitty and lame your day at school was gonna be.

After school you got off the bus and started walking home. You looked down at a road that was near the road of your house. That road was just abandoned and lonely, no one ever went there, well at least you've never seen anyone over there. You continued walking home thinking about how your day at home was gonna be. You have no mom, only a dad, but he barely ever pays attention to you.

As you walked in front of your house you saw your dad's car. You sighed and opened the door. You walked straight to your room and threw your back pack in your closet and flopped on your bed. You stared up at the ceiling thinking about the abandoned building. I wonder whats inside?

You woke up out of no where and looked around confused. You quickly looked at your alarm clock that said 7:00pm. "God damn it" you face palmed your self angrily. "I can't believe I fell asleep again all the way till night. Your mind slowly went to the abandoned house you saw earlier that day. You slowly went to the window and looked outside to the left where the old abandoned road was. You slowly looked back and went to your door and peaked out. You didn't hear any sign of your dad being awake or roaming around the house, he probably passed out in his room drunk again. Usually he'll be on the couch in the living room watching t.v. with a beer in his hand and if he ever bothers to look at your miserable existence he'll just cry to you about how your mom died in that car accident and have a mental break down. He does that because you look a lot like your mother. It just makes you run to your room with tear-filled eyes, you don't ever wanna hear about that incident with your mom. It got her and a mom and dad with two kids killed on that highway. It just makes you sick when you think of it.

You slowly walked out of your room and went down the stairs. You looked at the couch which didn't have your drink dad on it but a spilt beer and t.v. remote. You looked at the t.v. which was still on but only on a dead channel which played static. You slowly turned it off and paused at the front door. 'I gotta see that abandoned building, there must be something interesting inside, maybe?' You thought as you ever so slowly opened the door handle and walked outside closing the door along with you. You looked around at the darkness around you and the street lights. You sighed and started walking to the old abandoned road.

Once you got to it you looked down the road. It went down a bit far but down the road the concrete faded into chunks and then nothing but dirt. As you started walking down the road you saw that it had a lot of cracks in the concrete with moss and vines. All the houses down the road were empty and also abandoned, it was honestly kind of creepy. Once you reached the abandoned building you realized it wasn't just a building, it was a workshop, it was also pretty big. You looked up at it in all of it's mighty but worn down glory. You felt quite intimidated but you just shook it off. You looked at the door and opened it walking inside.

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