Ends and Beginnings ↕

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Mila walked out of the office that had been hers for the past three years with a box of her personal items in her arms. Unbeknownst to her boss, she also had all of the work she had done on the scheduling for the catering crew, and her personal calendar of all of the upcoming catering events for the next 7 months. She would be donkey-fucked before she let such an arrogant corporate sleazeball benefit from her hard work.

After all, that's what got her into this mess anyway.

As the Dining and Events Supervisor for Grand Hotel, Mila had dedicated for too much of her life and time and energy into her job. She couldn't help it, she had been in love with it. Being responsible for such an amazing crew of servers and bartenders, seeing the happy faces of her clients, and feeling like she was helping bring joy into the lives of others was something that she was enamoured with immediately, and all other love took a back seat.

The previous hotel Director saw potential in Mila, and opened up opportunities to let her climb her way from a bartender in the hotel lounge to her supervisor position within a few months. But then that Director had moved to help open another hotel a state away, and the new Director didn't think Mila was worth quite as much. Mila wasn't a 'Basic Girl'™, and didn't fit in with what her Director saw a "professional" with her black hair and tattoos.

So, here she was - fired. By a Food and Beverage Director who was a corporate Yes-Man, who had been in his position less than a year, and whose job Mila had done when the position was still open. He had come in and made her trust him as a supportive boss, only to stab her in the back the first chance he got, using the Directors distaste for Mila as fuel for a reason to let her go.

Despite that the clients loved her. Despite that the crew was dedicated, well-trained, felt cared for by her, and were good at their jobs. Despite how much repeat business Mila brought the hotel. Despite that there had not been even a word of disapproval from her superiors, including the hotel chain owner. Despite the long hours, heavy stress, covered shifts when the crew was short-staffed...despite everything...Mila was now unemployed.

She felt so stupid for everything she had sacrificed for this job, only to be turned out without reason or warning.

Especially for Marcus. He had tried and tried so hard to get Mila to dedicate less of herself to her work and more of herself to their relationship, but Mila just couldn't do it. Even when she was so stressed she was losing hair, even when he warned her he would leave. Marcus was a diligent worker, putting long hours and hard labor into his job at a construction company. Surely he would get over it and understand why she had to be so dedicated to her work. Surely he wouldn't leave.

But, he did.

Over a year ago, he warned her that he would leave before he became a forgotten man or so lonely that he cheated on her. He warned and warned, before one night she came home to find his bags packed and him crying on the couch. He dropped every hint, gave every chance, and Mila didn't even try to beg him to stay.

She didn't even cry.

Instead she let him walk out the door, and delved headlong even further into her work. Coming home to her cats and opting for Tinder hookups and bar flings to scratch her carnal itches as they came. It wasn't satisfying, hell it was even kind of boring, but it didn't have to be, and she could continue pouring her soul into her job without anyone but her best friend, Alex, to complain about it.

For all the good it did her in the end.

Mila snapped out of her reverie, coming out of the office halls and into the main lobby. She had to pass the lounge and restaurant to get out of the building, and she didn't want her (former) crew to see her weak. She took a deep breath, standing tall as she walked through the hotel lobby, smiling at the servers as she passed, even while tears streaked down her cheeks. She mouthed 'It's okay' to every sympathetic look, and 'I'll call you' to those she had formed personal bonds with, but never slumped her shoulders and never stopped walking. With shaking hands and a shaking breath, Mila stepped through the automatic doors and onto the sidewalk, with no idea what to do next.

In A Moment - BTS OT7 x OC - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now