Seducing A Sprite (Pt. 2)

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Taehyung scrunched his nose, "I don't like that outfit on you."

Mila looked down at the uniform she was wearing from her shift at Jin's club, the pleather vinyl booty shorts and vinyl and mesh strappy top paired with comfy, knee-high tactical boots. She had just returned home from work, needing food before she needed to change. She looked up at Tae incredulously.

"This is my best outfit when I work the bar," she scoffed, "I made a killing in tips tonight because of this outfit."

"I don't like it. You're too pretty for that outfit."

"$200 in five hours says otherwise."

He laughed, "I can't argue with that." He patted the couch for her to sit down next to him, "I'm not telling you what to wear or anything. I just like it when you wear your clothes. You have better style than Jin...don't tell him that I said that."

"Your secret is safe with me, Babe," Mila chuckled, kissing him on the cheek and sitting down, "Whatcha' watchin'?"

"No clue. I've been playing on my phone, to be honest." He gestured to the floor, "Kook was watching whatever this is, but tossed the remote over there and ran like a maniac when Alex whispered something in his ear."

"I'm changing it, then," Mila sighed, "I don't like sports."

"Let's watch something to cuddle to," Tae agreed.

Mila put her bowl of noodles on the floor, bending down and crawling to snatch the remote from a few feet away. She crept up a bit, stretching like a cat and grabbing the controller, and went back again to pop back up on to the couch.

Before she could get back up, she felt a large hand land heavily on the round of her buttcheek, a low growl emitting from behind her. Looking over her shoulder with a jump, she saw Taehyung leaned over far on the couch, his eyes dark and staring intently at his hand as it massaged the flesh in his palm.

"Hmm..." his voice was even deeper than usual, "There might be something I like about this outfit."

His hand rubbed over the slick material, turning his hand and sliding a thumb under the hem of the shorts. Mila marveled at the heat of his palm on her skin, his fingers over the vinyl, and the look on his face. Gone was her Tae, the childish and flirtatious goofball, sometimes smooth, mostly not. All that she saw, as he crawled off of the couch and brought his body closer to hers, was a man ready to take charge and stake a claim on what he wanted.

"Tae?" she asked, reluctantly turning over and sitting on the carpet, earning another growl as he continued to crawl over her.

He hovered above her, kneeling over her legs, arms straight on either side of her head. "Is this functional, or aesthetic?" he asked quietly, toying with the zipper that rested just above her mons. "Does" Mila nodded, her eyes wide, making him chuckle darkly, "Good to know."

He grabbed her wrists, standing and pulling her to feet, only to swoop her over his shoulder and landing his hand over her ass. She started to speak to him, only to be cut short by a deep bite to the flesh on her buttcheek with a turn of his head. He stalked them up the stairs, past the moans and grunts coming from a large door to their right, and to her room. Kicking the door closed behind him, he tossed her onto the bed, making her bounce roughly as she landed on the soft mattress.

Mila watched with hitching breaths as Taehyung twisted the lace of her boot around his finger. He tugged it firmly, slowly unhooking it from each eyelet until it was loose enough to slide from her leg, nimble fingers removing the thick sock beneath it as well. He repeated the same with the other leg, his eyes never unlocking from hers as he worked.

"You've been working hard lately," his voice was equal parts admiration and lust, "I've missed you, Babygirl." Pushing his hands under the hem of her shirt, he pushed it up toward her chest, "Have you missed me?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

Mila moaned as his palms brushed over her breasts, lifting her arms so he could remove her top and toss it on the floor behind him. He pushed her higher on the bed, bringing his body to rest between her bent knees and cupping her breast as he took her lips in a heated kiss. Taehyung's fingers tickled over the pull of the zipper, making her let out a tiny noise of surprise, the sound repeating in succession as each tooth of the zipper pulled apart and opened to reveal her underneath. He moved so slowly, Mila thought she was going to pass out from anticipation, her cry loud and sharp when he finally touched her folds with his warm fingers.

"T-Taehyung," Mila moaned as she felt his slender fingers delve inside of her.

"Yes, Baby?"

She couldn't find words, resorting to grinding her hips down onto his fingers to tell him what she wanted. With another growl, he used his free hand to hold her still as he worked his hand slowly, curling his fingers and beckoning her arousal to his will. He had her panting, her hair spilling over the pillow as she pressed her head into it and arched her back. Once he was satisfied, he spread her juices over her outer lips, down between her cheeks, and over the tight hole between them.

"Turn over," his demanded, leaning back on his knees as she complied, "Condom."

Mila reached into her nightstand, pulling a foil packet free and shivering as his body weighed over her back to grab it from her. He didn't touch her as he rolled the prophylactic over his engorged erection, forcing her to shake and tremble as she waited for his touch once again.

Taehyung moaned in harmony with Mila as he thrust into her slowly, letting her stretch around every inch. He stilled, his breathing labored as she throbbed around him, rubbing more of her arousal between the mounds of flesh he had spread open to his pleased eye. She felt pressure, followed by a slight sting, recognizing the foreign feeling of his thumb entering the puckered opening. Mila gasped in surprise, forcing herself to relax as he eased the digit in, waiting for her to adjust before he began to move his hips.

She felt full, the sensation adding to the pleasure as his hips rocked into her, thighs slapping to thighs with force. She dipped her shoulders low to the bed, arching her back and pressing against him to feel more as she bucked into his thrusts, the coil in her belly tightening faster than usual. Taehyung stilled his hips, letting Mila fuck herself on his twitching cock as he wiggled his thumb at a rapid pace.

"Right there!" she screamed out breathlessly, "Oh fuck, Tae! Keep fucking me!"

"Shit," he grunted, pistoning his hips to give her what she begged for, "Baby....oh god...I won't last..."

Mila shivered hard from the top of her spine to the bottom, finishing in a orgasm that made her arms give out in its wake. Her face pressed to the mattress, body jolting forward as Taehyung pounded into her, unending moans tearing from her throat. She coated his leg with how hard she came, the waves pressing the air from her lungs as he he thrust one final time and the air stuck in his throat. Fingers gripped her hip and the round of her ass, flexing as he rode through his high.

He waited for her spasms to ebb and her body to slump to the bed before easing his digit and softening member from her, leaving her momentarily breathless once again. Getting up, he tossed the condom in the waste basket and walked into her bathroom. Soon, she heard the tub running, tiredly turning her head to see a gorgeously naked Taehyung walking back to her bed.

"Come on," he smiled at her warmly, "Let's take a bath."


"You worked hard, Babygirl."

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