Chapter 3

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I was lost in the kiss his lips perfectly sculpted to mine in the kiss. Everything was perfect. Amazing and perfect. I felt like no one else was in the world but me and Daniel. That was the frist time I relized my life was amazing, Just plain amazing. I pulled away with gentleness and just stared into his eyes seeing his filled with the only thing I wanted them to be filled woth. Love.

The bell rang and i whimpered knowing it was our time to part. Daniel kissed me lightly whispering "I'll see you tomorrow love".

I smiled and noded then I went to my locker to grab my bag. Jaimie came to me gleaming. "You found your mate!" She yelled a little to loudly.

I winced but replied "Yea and he's amazing!"


I loved her touch, smell, look I love everything about her. Kayla will be a perfect Luna. She's strong, beautiful, confident she's amazing.

Kyle my beta contacted me through the pack mind link telling me that there were 3 rogues spotted to the Southwest of our territory. So, I had to leave that beautiful girl and go to the underground prisons.

When I got to the prisons there were 3 male rogues which were of course injected with a small amount of wolfs-bane, so that they would be conscious but they would be weak.

I growled knowing these rogues. They were on my territory before threatening my females and pups! They are SOOOO DEAD. I looked at my  beta and yelled 'KILL THEM NOW!'

The beta nodded and did as he was told. He killed them. Well, I mean he didn't have a choice since I am his alpha and he has to obey his alpha.

I sighed gently wanting her back I wanted Kay-No! I needed Kayla. My wolf is already getting mad as hell with out her. I need to have her join my pack and her brothers can come to if they want.

I JUST NEEDED HER. I needed her touch, her scent, her smile. I needed her more then anything. She is now my life she is what my world revolves around. Her. She was my new life.

I walked out of the underground prison and I walked to her house. I needed to see her again. She was so beautiful. I loved her with all my heart. I would NEVER hurt her. It would kill me if I hurt her. I would be a horrible mate if I hurt her, BUT I will do what I need in order to keep my pack safe.

I wouldn't want to hurt her but if thats what needs to be done then I will lose her. I love her but I have a pack that relys on me to keep them safe.

I walked-no ran I ran to her house. I loved that girl and my wolf was going crazy with her not by our side. He neded his mate and I needed to mark her as mine. That is if she lets me. I knocked a few times but I got impaient and pushed open the door. I growled at the sight I saw. I saw her hugging another male.


Hey Readers,

Sorry for the short chapters. Its my first story and im working on it on my phone so no the easiest thing in the world. 

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