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You know what you came here for! *winks*
And of course, happy birthday to our dear leader!





Jeonghan called cheerfully as he hopped onto his sleeping lover, fully covered with blanket making him look like a giant lump on the bed, and when the other boy stirred responsively, he moved from atop him while giggling behind his hand.

It was a nice Wednesday morning—since there was no morning schedule—and warm in their dorm. The blanket was then pulled down and a grunt voiced almost inaudibly. A pair of eyelids slowly opened and revealed another pair of sleepy eyes. The owner then squinted them to adjust to the brightness surrounding him.

Jeonghan kept staring at him, waiting for him to collect his mind from the dreamland first. Seungcheol looked like he was spacing out for few seconds before he finally turned his head to see Jeonghan smiling angelically beside him.

What a nice sight to have in the morning...

He returned the smile, not feeling annoyed even at the slightest despite the fact that Jeonghan had just disturbed his slumber.

"Good morning!" Jeonghan chirped the moment Seungcheol's beautiful eyes met his.

"Mornin'..." The older mumbled sleepily.

"I've been dying to ask you this! Since tomorrow is your birthday, what present do you want, baby?" Jeonghan asked while gazing at his handsome boyfriend lovingly.

He thought his boyfriend still looked gorgeous even after just waking up. Seungcheol made a serious, thinking face for at least two minutes and then fixed his eyes back on his cute boyfriend.

"Mm... You." He pulled Jeonghan into his warm embrace after uttering his answer.

"Aww, Cheolie~" Jeonghan blushed and smiled sheepishly in Seungcheol's arms, snuggling even closer.

"But," Seungcheol continued, his voice hinting something mischievous, making Jeonghan look up at him and furrow his brows. " a nurse outfit." He finished his sentence with a wide—perverted—grin.

Jeonghan's mouth practically gaped widely, disbelief written all over his pretty face.

"W-what?" He stared wide-eyed at Seungcheol.

"Oh, you heard me, baby~" Seungcheol simply patted the tip of Jeonghan's nose with his forefinger lightly, still grinning.

"B-but Cheolie..." Jeonghan wanted to protest but then he saw Seungcheol jut his lip out at him while showing his best lost puppy eyes—one of his weaknesses.

"Alright, then..." Jeonghan finally agreed, gulping hard. He then sighed in defeat.

- Later on that day -


Jeonghan's face turned incredulous as he stared at a big paper bag Seungcheol had just handed to him.

"Seung-Seungcheolie, you've prepared these? You bought these?! When did you..." He could not even finish his question since his brain started to be filled with strange assumptions.

Seungcheol looked at him, eyes narrowing.

"Of course I bought them via online! You didn't think I would shamelessly walk into some sex toys shop and get myself those stuffs, did you?" He asked dubiously.

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