Meeting the Boyfriend (1/4)

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Choi Hansol a.k.a. Vernon was unsure how he landed himself in this predicament.

One could say he was playing with fire. For weeks, he had been sleeping with someone he was not supposed to touch the most; Yoon Jeonghan. The first time Vernon saw Jeonghan was a few months back, he remembered; it was clear as day. He was walking back from school with his best friend Lee Chan (or as he liked to be called, Dino).

As they strolled along their neighborhood playground, someone caught Vernon's attention. Jeonghan was sitting alone on one of the wooden swings, with a pencil in one hand and sketchbook in the other. He was so focused on sketching the kittens in front of him but oblivious to his surroundings—his two spectators.

When it seemed that he was done with his sketch, he played with the adorable kittens, putting away his belongings and leaving the swing to crouch near the animals.

I've never seen him before, he mustn't be from around here... Vernon furrowed his brows.

Suddenly, he ushered Dino—despite his gestured questioning—and himself to hide behind a large tree near the gate. He honestly did not understand why he did that. Or perhaps he just wanted to watch Jeonghan in peace (and avoid being labeled 'weirdo' by said beauty).

Fortunately, Dino did not say much after that; he was highly likely amused by the way Vernon, the usually nonchalant Vernon, acted. So, he ended up observing how Vernon observed that certain boy in the playground.

Vernon liked how Jeonghan's long blonde hair shimmered under the sunrays. His skin was radiant and its paleness was in contrast with his cherry-tinted lips. His smile was as bright as the sun itself. He was beautiful, bewitching. Vernon was stunned, his coffee long forgotten, cold in his hand.

He did not know who that boy was, but he got a strange fluttery feeling in his heart just from watching him. His imagination ventured far, to days filled with endless possibilities. Dino even had to bring him out of his reverie by shaking his body. He was beginning to think Vernon had passed out while standing or something.

I must ask his name, Vernon decided with a resolute gaze.

But his face darkened with bewilderment and soon dejectedness when a very familiar boy with feline eyes emerged from the other gate and approached Jeonghan. They talked for a while and then walked hand in hand.

Well, well, what an interesting turn of events...

Dino grinned but somehow managed to show his empathy, and the keyword here is empathy not sympathy, by patting his best friend's shoulder comfortingly.

"Shall we go home now, Vernon-ah?" He muttered and pushed his back a little.

Looking at Dino sadly, Vernon heaved a long sigh before turning on his heel and making their way home. He did not feel good. He did not even finish his coffee.

All he wanted to do now was sleep the remainder of the day away; homework be damned.

That was it. One moment Vernon was watching Jeonghan from afar, the next he found the very same boy sitting in his living room and being introduced as Joshua's, his second older brother, boyfriend. He almost cursed out loud.

"Hi, Hansol. Nice to meet you!" Jeonghan offered his hand for a handshake.

Upon closer look, Jeonghan was even more gorgeous; small face with big beautiful brown eyes staring back at him and a sweet, heartwarming smile. He was also shorter and more slender than both Vernon and Joshua.

He would fit perfectly in his arms, if he must add.

Vernon was not bad himself, though. Actually, the Choi brothers were kind of famous around the neighborhood for being ridiculously good-looking.

He tried to show the best smile he could muster before taking the hand and said softly, "Nice to meet you too, hyung. But just call me Vernon. Everyone does..."

Jeonghan chuckled, revealing a set of pearly whites.

"Oh, ok then, Vernon."

And the rest of the day went by slower than usual. Or so Vernon thought.

Now, how could he explain to Joshua if he ever found out about his boyfriend's affair with his own little brother, someday... it could be any day. He dreaded fist fighting with his kindest brother, not that he would resort to violence.

Oh man... I'm the worst brother ever! He mentally punched himself.

But, well, it takes two to tango.

He was not the only one at fault. In fact, he would not have dared to court Jeonghan if the other boy had not been showing him signs first.

Jeonghan had been flirting with him, definitely.

Every time Jeonghan visited the Choi residence, he would secretly throw a sultry look his way. Sometimes, it was as if Jeonghan had challenged him in the presence of his boyfriend.

He would deliberately rest his head on the younger's shoulder when the three of them were huddling together in the living room for their weekly movie night.

He would teasingly brush his foot against the other's under the table when having dinner (and Jeonghan had always sat across Vernon).

Or he would caress his thigh longer than necessary because he had taken a liking to his rather muscular thighs, saying Joshua needed to work out more (to which Joshua jokingly replied with 'I think you should have dated Vernon instead!').

Vernon had never felt so scandalized in his life before.

Was Jeonghan a natural flirt? But he did not flirt with Seungcheol, his eldest brother. Probably due to the fact that Seungcheol was engaged with a wedding already planned in the next two months?

Yeah, could be it.

But how did he know that Vernon had been single all along?




To be continued

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