I really hate having a authors note on page one but there is somethings you need to know before going forward:
1) This story was originally meant to be just one to keep in my head so, there is no set in plot.Feel free to offer advice, story ideas and so on.
2)All the writing and editing is done on a tablet, if there is a error in any way point it out and I will try to fix it. If I dont ,know that I did read the comment and appreciate you helping me.
3)This is a part two, I already explained why in the comments, so I will leave it at that. Read that first then return to this one. Its called since i was little, and features a girl with a blue beanie on the cover. If you cant find it comment.
4)I do advertise for other authors, if you want to have word of your story spread just add a link in the comment. I may not spread word of them all at once so check with every uodate if yours does not appear.
5)On a final note, every 25th view I will hold a contest, every 100th view I will hold another contest but there will be a set prize of having your own character in the story(I wont gurantee there survival), every 10th like I get I will hold a special chapter that will essentially be a more indepth view on the character of the popular choice. The numbers may change in the future but if that happens I will tell you.
Now, if your still reading I dont do this often. I avoid authirs notes, as I personally hate them if they get lengthy-i hate myself for doing this now. By doing this though I can always look back and check the contest stuff and never have to bore you again or atleast for a while. Bye, remember read the first one(its short, shorter than this page).
6)I know I already said a final note but I forgot something, the contests themselves may include other sites such as youtube, facebook, and others. I understand that some may not be active or do not have sites. For that situation I will have a alternative contest that can be done on wattpad, these will more than likely be all writing contest whereas it would otherwise be on other sites. For this I apologize for, I dont know another way though.
Before I say bye again, I would like to say thank you to skye for commenting and making me actually write this. You get a character, but he will most likely die in the same chapter or two chapters later.And may not appear until the second chapter anyway, how do you feel about being a shrink?