Hikaru Hitachiin (OHSHC)

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You walked into the living room with your best friend, Haruhi Fujioka, and sat on the couch. You sighed and leant back, Haruhi doing the same.

"Do you think Hikaru will be here?" you asked Haruhi, knowing that she knows about your "hopeless" crush. Haruhi smiled.

"Of course I do, (Y/n). I'm pretty sure I saw Kaoru before, so I'm certain that Hikaru will be here. They're always together, remember?" she reminded you happily. You smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Haru, you always know how to cheer me up!" you thanked her gratefully, calling her by the nickname you made up for her. Haruhi was about to say something, but she was interrupted when I strolled over to you guys excitedly.

"Hey Haruhi and (Y/n)! Do you wanna play a game?" I asked you two, smiling. Haruhi smiled, but shook her head.

"No thanks Shaylee, I'm good. Sorry," she told me, but you had other plans.

"I'll play! What do I have to do?" you asked excitedly, definitely wanting to play. I grinned at you and held out a top hat, which happened to be Ciel's. Heh.

"Just pick something from the hat!" I explained, smiling innocently. You grinned and stuck your hand in, feeling around for something good. You ended up pulling out a pair of headphones. You examined them curiously, wondering who they could belong to. I grinned, as did Haruhi.

"Hikaru! Come here!" I yelled. You blushed when you saw Hikaru walk over from wherever he was standing, looking rather bored.

"What is it?" he asked me, shoving his hands in his pockets. You stood up and handed him his headphones. Hikaru took them back, and then grabbed your hand, dragging you into a nearby wardrobe.

"Wha...?!" you squeaked as he closed the door behind him. It was quite dark in the wardrobe, and you thought it was very small because you were claustrophobic. You instantly sat down and buried your head in between your knees in a crouching position.

"I don't like it in here Hikaru! I can't breathe! Get me outta here!" you whined, trembling. Hikaru sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your form awkwardly.

"H-hey, (Y/n), it's, uh, okay... It's not that bad... And you've got me, remember?" Hikaru said awkwardly, trying to comfort you. You sniffled and looked up at your crush, who was hugging you and looking away with blush stained cheeks. You blushed a little too and hugged him back, burying your face in his chest. You both stayed like this for a few minutes until Hikaru cleared his throat.

"Uh, (Y/n), I've got something for you..." he began, tilting your chin up gently. You blushed when he leant in and kissed you lightly on the lips. Your eyes instantly closed, and you kissed him back, accidentally falling on top of him. You blushed crimson and pulled away.

"Oops, sorry Hikaru!" you apologized, flustered. Hikaru grinned and chuckled.

"No, it's alright..." he told you, and then he leant in for another kiss just as I opened the door.

"Aww! You two are so cute together!" I squealed as I watched you two kiss happily. Hikaru got up and helped you up, and then you both walked out of the wardrobe together.

You love him, he loves you. It's simple, right?
Actually, it's not called 'simple' when you both have to be locked in a wardrobe together for 7 minutes so you can actually get together.
But it's fun...

(All characters belong to their original anime/manga and/or authors.)

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