Chapter 2.

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Kris's POV

Taneya was sleeping with her on my lap.I sighed, I wish we could be normal teens. Taneya and I were chained to a wall. In a dirty, damp, basement.

I heard Sam's heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I woke Taneya up and signaled to the basement door.

He opened the door and I could tell he was either high or drunk. 'Fuck' I mentally say. He came towards us with a creepy style on his face. "Hold still" is all he said before slapping me with his belt.

One hit after another, I was shielding Taneya, she has become so weak. But he shoved me to the floor and started to hit Taneya. I screamed and ran towards her, he hit me to the floor and continued to hit her.

When we were first kidnapped we were told if we screamed or cried we would die. That was only the 4th time I had ever screamed.

I ran towards Taneya and took the final hit. He looked at me with one of the most scariest looks he had ever given me.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went black.
I woke up to me being thrown into a ditch, my bare legs hitting the gravel. I faltered my fall with my arms so they are pretty jacked up. I stay lying there I look around and I notice Taneya's lifeless body laying just a couple feet away. She's knocked out but groaning from the pain of the fall.

I was about to call out to her but I heard a gun shot and I saw Taneya's body move at the force of the impact. I'm guessing it's a pistol, the pistol that I know all to well.

Flashback to the first week of being kidnapped

"Get the fuck off me!" I screamed as Sam started to pull my shirt off my head while my hands were handcuffed to the bed.

"Shhhh little girl, it will all be over soon." Sam said with a smirk.

"No, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" I started to scream but it was cut short by hard, cracked lips being slammed into my lips. I wanted to just die. He stole my first kiss!

I tried to kick him off me but he was way to strong. Taneya was crying in the corner. She had gotten rapped before I had.

I felt him pull away then I heard the sound of a gun loading. I look around and see the barrel of the gun directed to my left temple. I was going to scream when he starts to talk. "You scream or cry and I will have no hesitation when I kill you. That goes for you to shortie!"

End of the Flashback
Hey everyone!

That was a long and deep chapter!

I have some great ideas for this story!

That's all bye bye

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