The End

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Peter POV

Regina was firing all her energy at the barrier. I turned to her and said, "That won't work Regina! They can't hear us and we can't get to them."

Regina banged her fist on the barrier. She then yelled, "I can't believe this! Jack's a trader and this Zelena bitch is taking everything!"

Emma came up behind her and asked, "Why can't Y/n use her powers?"

Rumple answered, "Because she's wearing Pan's cuff." We all turned and looked at him with questioning looks. He explained, "Belle just told me, that was the only thing that was missing. She realized this morning. But I also thought I just lost it. That's why I didn't realize at first. Jack must of been the one to raid my store." He looked especially angry at the end of his statement.

I turned back and looked through the barrier. I saw Jack try to rub Y/n's cheek, but she hit his hand away. He then grabbed her wrist and I heard him whisper to her. We can hear them but they can't hear us. In anger, I punched the barrier.

Jafar was going to take Y/n's memory just like he did with Mary Margaret. Except Jack was going to make Y/n fall in love with him and not un-erase her memory later.

Over my dead body.

Your POV

Jafar came close to me. I smelt his disgusting breath close to my face. He yelled evilly, "You are going to become one of us! Your going to be the one to take over the world and give it to us! Jack can take you as he pleases after."

I spat back at him, "Over my dead body!"

Zelena chimed in, "Oh honey, thats also only if he pleases too. Your magic will be ours and Jack well... he can have the rest of you." Jafar and Zelena laughed evilly. I tried getting out of the vines, but they didn't budge. Jack gripped my face and made me look at him. I tried hitting him away, but the vines now held my arms down. Jack kissed me forcefully and shoved his tongue down my throat. I bit his tongue and lip hard, making him wine in pain and back away.

I spit on the ground in front of him and said, "Your disgusting!"

Jafar shouted at me, "Oh just give in Y/n. You have evil blood in you!"

All I saw was red. I looked at Jafar and yelled, "No I don't! Your not my father, your a disgusting fuck face!"

Zelena then decided to taunt me, "Oh darling you won't think that soon. Jafar why don't we start now. I can't listen to her pester anymore."

Jafar walked up to me and I tried to lean back as far away as possible from him. He put his hands out then put them down again. He decided to add one more taunt before he wiped my memory. He said, "I guess you are a bad lied Y/n. You told everyone your family was everything to you and they would save you from everything, but look at them now. Just pathetic." Zelena, Jafar, and Jack all laughed evilly at his finally rant.

I put my hands together in front of my face, well tried, and also tried to hold back my tears. I felt so many emotions. I felt hurt, betrayed, upset, and completely uncontrollable of my own body. I needed to leave this place. I needed to destroy them. I needed to save everyone and most of all, I needed to have my powers back. I never wanted them more then right now because I needed them. I opened my eyes and saw a little purple pulse of electric come off my finger tips. They didn't notice, but I did.

I remembered Rumple telling me, "We all reach the highest point in our magic, but only when we least expect it and need it most." That echoed in my mind for a few second then I smirked.

I yelled at Jafar, "Hey king of bitch asses!" They all turned to face me again after laughing for quiet awhile. I held onto the cuff with my other hand and said to them, "Your right, wrong, and forgot somethings."

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