Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- One Truth equals Two Lies

"Someone tell me what X equals if the problem is: 40x+82-8=800. Asha please tell us the answer. Asha!"

I jump in my seat and a few kids snicker. "What was the question again?" I ask sheepishly.

"Miss Darmbee asked you the answer to the equation on the board." Mrs. Standers answers. I look at the equation. This is so easy! I could do this in my sleep.

With ease I answer with, "X= 18.5 or 363/20." Miss Darmbee grumbles correct and I smile for the victory.

Yes, I have two teachers. Actually I have eight teachers if you count the others. You see we do things differently here. Where's here you ask? Well on planet Erboes. Humans use to live on this other planet called Earth, but something happened and they had to leave. So their leader of the planet came here. At first there were these creatures called Halfings roaming the land.

The leaders of Earth made a deal with the Halfings. The Halfings would let the humans stay on Erboes only if the humans made a deal. I guess you could say they made a deal with the devil. The Halfings somehow made it so humans were born with Other Halfs. One the opposite of the other.

So all of the pairs of teachers I have are Other Halfs and look exactly the same and were born at the same time. Yep Miss Darmbee and Mrs. Standers are Other Halfs.

"Singleous." Someone coughs. I just ignore them. A Singleous is a rare case where you aren't born with your Other Half. I happen to be one of those rare cases. Everyone in my family has an Other Half. But I was just the "lucky" person in my family.

Everybody in school makes fun of me because I don't have an Other Half. Even the kids who are nice make fun of me! That's how cruel people are.

I stand up from my seat and walk out the door. I am not going to deal with their crap today. I walk to the bathroom and go to the sink. I turn on the faucet and splash water onto my face. I stare at myself in the mirror.

"You could've taken them. If you would just listen to me once in awhile."

"Not now! I don't want to hear it. I'm just through with classes."

"Then skip. You know you want to." She smirks at me. I roll my eyes.

"You know I'm not doing that. Why are you so bad?"

"Why are you such a goodie two shoes? 'I'm Asha, I do everything I'm told.' It's disgusting how you can be so good. You know if I had my own body I'd-"

"Well you don't. I'm sorry about that. Your my sister, Ingrid, I love you, but you don't have a body you can control. Only I can control the body."

She smirks wickedly. Suddenly my hand moves without my will power. Then my legs suddenly do the same. "Yeah I could always do this I just never had a reason."

"Okay this is creepy just stop!" I yell out. Just then the bathroom doors open. Margot and her Other Half Margret walk in.

     "Asha, Miss Darmbee and Mrs. Standers want you back in class now." Margot says. She's the nice one.

     I'm about to speak, but Ingrid beats me to it. "No. I'm leaving." I put my hands over my mouth.

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