i remember the way you tasted

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"no" billy stretched out the 'o' sound, "i'm not letting you go. it's too early to get out of bed" he groaned as steve attempted to get out of bed.

the white sheets were disarrayed, tangled between the two.

pale walls surrounded them with a dull light streaming through the small window and cracked blinds. they had just arrived in california yesterday, absolutely exhausted from the drive and adrenaline.

in the small motel room, sunrise began to pour through the glass. billy's curls stuck everywhere, just as steve's hair did.

steve laughed lightly sitting up, "your hair" billy rolled his eyes, "like yours is any better" he reached for a cigarette off the side table, lighting it quickly.

"i can't believe we're here" steve said as billy blew smoke up into the air.

nearly closing the small space between them he replied, "it's amazing, isn't it pretty boy?"

billy bit down on the soft skin of his neck, he'd noticed over time that billy had a thing for marking his body.

"why do y'do that?" steve nearly whined

"i don't know" "i guess if anyone ever saw, they'd know you belong to someone" his eyes gleamed in the golden sunlight.

steve couldn't lie, he really wanted moments like these to last forever.

"what're you thinking about?"

"i- nothing" "it's just, i thought i lost you or would lose you and i can't imagine how everything would be without you" steve rambled, "and now we're here in cal-"

"hey, calm down, you're trembling" billy lowered his voice taking steve's hand into his, "i'm not going anywhere, okay"

"i still remember the way you tasted the first night and the way you looked so innocent" billy smiled, rubbing circles on steve's back.

he whimpered softly in response, "don't worry, we'll get through this" he said softly, "we've got shared trauma".

steve was still not used to seeing this softer side of billy, it was a rare occasion for him to show it. usually his rough exterior and emotional walls were built up so high, though he didn't mind it, he knew why billy had put up so many barriers. it was simply to protect himself from getting hurt. he kissed the blonde's soft lips, starting to calm down with billy's touch.

he brought his lips to the jagged, fine lined scar cutting across billy's cheek and kissed it, "are you wearing my shirt?" billy asked looking down at his body.

steve's eyes went wide, "what? i would never" he blushed guiltily.

billy ran his thumb over steve's bottom lip, "don't worry, you fill it out nicely" he grasped his chin, tilting his head up to bite his bottom lip, making steve instantly melt in his lap.

he grasped his waist, flipping them over so billy was on top of steve, leaving a trail of kisses down his neck.

"we gotta get going you know" billy laid beside steve, holding his hand, steve only pouted in response.

"oh quit glaring, sweet cheeks. i know you want me" he laughed.

steve reddened and scoffed, "well we both have to shower anyway. it would save water after all.."

billy gave his signature smug grin, and with that the two teenagers disappeared into the shower after the bathroom door slammed shut.

a/n: short chapter but definitely more on the way!

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