Chapter Twelve: Learning to Surf

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“The bottom line is that we never fall for the person we're supposed to.”

-          Jodi Picoult

Over the course of the next week, Arin was over nearly all the time. They hooked up the Xbox, which had been tucked away in a box at the back of Matt and Jimmy’s closet, and rediscovered their old games. Arin would bring over beer and they would play the system or go to the beach. Once they went to the park, but Matt got sad again watching the children run around, and they ended up going home.

One abnormally warm morning, Jimmy awoke Matt by running in and jumping on the bed. “Mattie, wake up! Wake up!” he cried.

“What?” Matt groaned, pulling the pillow over his head, “Leave me alone, it’s too goddamn early.”

“But we have to get up early.” Jimmy persisted. “That’s when the best waves are out. We’re gonna teach Arin how to surf.”


Arin, of course, had spent the night. He was totally unaware of Jimmy’s idea, curled up on the couch sleeping peacefully under his blanket. Matt smiled softly at the serene face of the drummer, and murmured, “Let’s just let him rest, okay?”

Jimmy huffed. “But-But the waves…”

“There’ll still be good waves out later. We’ll just have to be a little more patient for them. Let’s go get the boards ready in the meantime. I haven’t touched them since you left.”

They spent most of the morning cleaning and waxing the boards. Arin would have to use Johnny’s who always just stored his here since they were so close to the beach, and he didn’t surf too often anyway. They scraped off the dirty, old wax, cleaned them off with alcohol, then applied the basecoat and topcoat. Once the boards were combed and sprayed, they were ready to go.

Arin was awake when they came back in, they could hear the shower running upstairs. The pair threw together a lunch that they could take down to the beach with them, and when Arin emerged, Matt told him their plan.

“B-But I can hardly skateboard.” Arin objected. “I don’t think I’ll like it. There’s no way I’ll be able to stand up on a board in the water.”

“Well, we’re going to try and teach you anyway.” Matt replied. “So get changed.”

“B-But it’s fucking cold outside! The water will be freezing!“

“It’s like 70 out there now. That’s not so bad. Come on, Arin, it’ll be fun!” Matt whined, pouting slightly at the younger man.

Arin crumbled, unable to resist the vocalist, and sighed. “Okay, fine.”

Matt grinned, flashing his dimples and Arin looked away, blush forming on his cheeks. “I-I’ll uh… go change.”

They carried all of their surfing paraphernalia down the wooden steps to the beach. Jimmy was ecstatic, talking about how long it had been since he’d surfed and how much fun they were going to have. Matt chuckled at his enthusiasm, occasionally reassuring Arin that he really would have a good time.

Bella instantly dashed for the waves as they reached the beach, Matt and Jimmy followed suit, dropping their things on the beach and taking the boards to the water. Arin followed them reluctantly, shuffling through the sand with Johnny’s board and beginning to look nervous.

They spent the whole day at the beach, showing Arin how to duck under the waves that weren’t good enough, and how to stand up when the opportunity presented itself. Arin was absolutely clueless, but he did manage to stand up once in the shallow water, wobbling and wavering before he crashed down.

Matt was surprised at his perseverance. He never gave up, no matter how many times he fell or how frustrated he became. He listened to their tips and advice and put them to good use, he just lacked experience and needed the practice.

Jimmy and Matt went back to the shore to eat their forgotten lunch as a supper that evening, but Arin stayed out. “Just a couple more waves, guys, then I’ll come in.”

The pair sat together in the sand with Bella, who was begging desperately for their sandwiches. Jimmy graciously gave her his crusts.

“He’s getting the hang of it.” Matt mused as the drummer stood shakily on a tiny wave before falling into the water. “I thought he said he wouldn’t like it.”

Jimmy chuckled, leaning his head on Matt’s shoulder and taking his hand. “He’s learning. He’s more adamant about this than we were when Brian tried to teach us.”

They both smiled at the fond memory, falling into a comfortable, drowsy silence.

“You know,” Jimmy began, turning his head to kiss Matt’s jaw. “Arin likes you.”

Matt tilted his head so he could meet the older man’s lips with his own. “I like him too. He’s a good kid.”

Jimmy smiled softly, kissing Matt’s nose gently. “That’s not what I meant.” He objected, looking down at their entwined fingers.

“Then what did you mean?” Matt asked, confused.

“He has the biggest crush on you, Matt, can’t you tell?”

Matt was taken aback. He looked out towards the younger man, who was paddling out towards a decent wave. “Arin? No, you’ve got to be shitting me. He’s straight.”

Jimmy shrugged, “I dunno, but whenever you talk to him, he gets so happy. And every time you smile at him, he always blushes and gets so embarrassed. Haven’t you noticed it? I definitely think he likes you.”

Matt frowned. “I don’t know, Jimmy…”

“He’s a cute kid. What do you think?”

Matt just shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s just it. A cute kid. I have the only man I want right next to me.”

Jimmy sighed softly, playing with the fingers on Matt’s left hand. “Baby, I won’t be here forever. And remember our promise?”

The younger man sighed. He opened his mouth to reply, when he heard shouting and hollering coming from the water. He looked out to see Arin, standing on his own, riding a small wave.

“You go, motherfucker!” Jimmy called out. Matt felt happy for Arin, but didn’t say anything. He didn’t want Arin to like him. He wanted Jimmy and only Jimmy and never anyone but Jimmy.

He couldn’t afford to believe that Arin liked him, because if Matt thought about it, he would probably like him back.

And nothing could ever be worse than that.

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