01. Jᴏᴊᴏ & Cʜᴇᴇᴋᴏᴏ

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Kabir got out of his car, locked it, and taking off his sunglasses, he turned around, listening to his dog barking insidiously, and getting ready to attack, scaring the shit out of some girl, making her scream. His dog is as brutal of a living being, as he is. He chuckled, crossing his arms across his chest, and leaning sideways against his car, looking at the girl do her minimalist struggle, any prudent person, shit scared of the dogs, would do, in a situation like this.

"Shoo! Shoo! You sweet, little, pugster! You want biscuits? I have some, and I can give you them, and only, if you promise to not bite me!" The girl tried to negotiate it out with the clueless, angry, not at all sweet, pug, barking at her. The dog looked like a little, fat, burnt, loaf of bread, but had the pitch, of the size of an elephant.

The dog advanced towards her, threatening to attack her any moment, and she could do nothing, but take her steps backwards, in fear. Kabir clamped shut his mouth, with his palm, trying to control his laughter, looking at the so comically, entertaining scene, happening before him. The girl looked at him, at once, and furiously, but, with a touch of helplessness, hoping he would help.

"Didn't you see the 'beware of dogs!' Sign board, over the gate?" He asked, sarcastically, not moving an inch from where he stood. She pouted, and shook her head, left and right, saying that she didn't.

"Why are you still standing there? Help me, before this monster rips my skin off me!" She cried, asking for his help. She looked at him with such a furiousness, through her little, innocent, dove shaped, eyes, as could set him ablaze. Kabir finally burst out into a fits of laughter, seeing her helpless state.

She whined, seeing him laugh.

The dog growled, barked even louder, and jumped towards her, grabbing the rim of her ankle-length dress with its teeth, making her cry.

"Stay away, you monster!" She warned the dog, only to provoke it more.

"Help me! How can you be so insensitive?" She yelled at him, cried, but, he continued to laugh, not able to control himself, not at all guilty about his behaviour. "Help me, you moron!" She cried.

Kabir raised his hand, apologetically, as he couldn't control his laughter.

She grunted, looking at him, annoyedly, and continued trying her best, to pull her dress out of the dog's hold.

He walked towards her, bent down beside his dog, and grabbing it by its belly, he swept its feet off the floor, taking it into his arms. The dog squeaked, slowly, feeling the warmth of its master.

Kabir pressed his lips over its head, kissing it, softly. The girl looked at the two deadliest of creatures before her, with revenge, and tears, filled in her eyes.

"I never taught you this, buddy! You've disappointed your daddy, today!" Kabir spoke complainingly, in the most sweetest manner, ever, to the little, not so innocent, pug, in his arms. Something changed, in the eyes of the girl, as they went soft, looking at the sweet as hell behaviour, of the guy, before her. "I was waiting for you to do the badass enemy attack, I've been teaching you, all these months, on this trespasser, but you didn't! What if she had, had looted our house?"

The girl was taken aback by surprise, listening to Kabir's words, and she gritted her teeth, in anger, when her father, followed by Kabir's parents, came running out of Kabir's house. Kabir's total focus was on the little entity in his arms, that he failed to notice the people before him.

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