First day of higth school

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All I heard that woke me up was the stupid alarm clock that started ringing and I trow it across the room everytime I trow it it won't brake .
"Liz wake up you ganna be late I want to go get some coffee heary up"
"I'm going I'm to lazy to get up but I'm going to get up"
"Heary" up I want to go drink so coffee"
" I'm done ok look happy let's go get some coffee"
So we got in my car I have a black BMW manual and it has red rimbs my brother gave it to me so we got in my car becasue Haley's mom dropped her of and we were hurrying up so we got in the car and headed to the place we'll Haley had the address it was not that far from school we arrived at the place becasue her boyfreind was there ..
"Ok we'll all see you inside"
"Ok Haley and don't drink to mucht coffee"
And of course Lorenso was my brother in law cause he was dating my sister Haley so when I went inside to take a sit Lorenso was talking and I was texting my mom to make sure my mom was feeling Better.
"Chicken little come over here and have some fun sis"
"Ahhh ok I'm going Bigfoot"
"Was going on your not talkin a lot liz everything ok with mom"
"Yeah is that my mom she is sick alittle and I'm checking if everything ok"
I spilled some coffee on the table but I wiped it out and hands are stickin to paper so I went to the ladies bathroom to go wash them of but when I was walking I bumped into to some one I look up and it was a tall handsome teenager with sky blue eyes and blown dark hair and muscular.
"Sorry ..........
"My bad sir I did not see ya there I was trying to get something of me........
He rished to my face and took Half of my hair out of my face becasue when I bumped Into him my hair when I front of my face.
"Hi my name is jake"
"My name is lizbeth but most people call me
I was disturbed my Haley's screaming my nick name......
"Liz come here "
"Gatta go over to my sister"
"Yeah I gatta go to my brother freind Lorenso "
"Oh and I know him he is dating my sister".....again disturbed my Haley
"Sis come here "
I was waking to Haley and Lorenso and I felt some hands around my waist I looked back and saw this weird looking guy and old man that was drunk and he was not letting me go....
"Hey get off me dude......
"Nope I want you I been washing you sense today......
"Get off me creep.......get off me .......dude
All I heard was the guy screaming In pain and I looked back and I saw jake who was protecting me from this man and we'll I was happy and scared at the same time.......but I like the way jake did that for me ......
Jake P.O.V
I heard everybody laughing and I saw lizbeth the most beutiful girl in the hole world and she went to go get something from her car and this man came from behind her and had his hands around my mate my wolf was going crazy and I could not hold it and Haley was taking to me and I was not hearing her I ran outside to save my mate I got the man and I punched the man in the face and knocked him out he screamed in pain...
"Liz you ok....
"Yeah thanks for getting my back there I think he cut me on the back it kinda hurst .......
"All get that checked out .....
"Yeah thanks I better go to the bathroom and wipe this dirt of me ....
I love the sense of her she smelled so good like vanilla and chocolate she locked her car and gave me the keys to hold them and wow she had a good car I opens the door so she could walk in she went to go wash her hands and everybody else was staring at us we'll mostly liz and me cause she was kinda freaking out cause everybody was looking at us...
"Thanks jake um we'll I guess all see you at school ....
"Yeah we got all the classes together and yeah all see ya "
"Liz we gatta go we ganna me late ....
"Ok see ya there ...

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