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Lizbeth P.O.V
I felt some warm hands wrapped around my waist and I looked up and it was my boyfreind and I love him a lot and we'll I saw his sky blue eyes and he stared into my eyes and it was beutiful he gave me a kiss and I gave him a kiss to we started to make out I led him explore my mouth with his toung and I explore his and out of no where Haley and Lorenso walked in .........
"What the heck is going on here .......wait a sec.......and kidding me Rigth guys are dating ....
"Yeah why not lol I love jake a lot ..
"We see that"
"We'll me and Lorenso are going to walk around the park and will be back soon or later"
"We'll I have to go pick my dog up from moms sence your moving in with me Haley so yeah I got to get all my stuff"
"Ok sis we'll see ya later"
So as I got on the shower to take one I got my cloth and got my lipstick on to go see my mom and get my dog and say hi to my little brother.....i waited cause I was scared to come out the bathroom and see my new boyfreind it was weird he is hot and I'm cute it weird for some reason but not that weird I love him a lot.....
"Babe you Ok in there.......
"Yeah all be coming out I'm looking for my phone hahah.....
"Ok all wait for you outside your room..."
"Ok here I go "
I went out the room and I saw my boyfreind with out his shirt Oh my god I was dying I explored his body and he had an eigthpac I was dying man I'm lucky.........
"Why are you looking at me that way.....
"Oh um nothing I though you had something on your chest and yeah let's go....."
" I know you was exploring my body hhahaha.....
I did not say anything I got my car keys and as I was walking to the door he grab my arm and pull me in a kiss as he hold my waist I hold his neck his soft lips in mines man he was a good kisser I'm am so lucky ...........
"Let's go .....
"Yeah ........"
We drove to my moms house leasing to dubstep he likes it to so we drove over there and I saw my dog playing in the street with some leaves in the middle of the street I stoped the car becasue there was another car that was going to run her over so I drift to stope the car and the man stopes his car it was close to my BMW he almost killed my dog and hit my car I took my sit belt of and he came out the door and of course I was pissed I get pissed I started to talk in Spanish.......
"Hey what the fuck is wrong with you asshole".......
" Hey mam what the hell is wrong with you..."
"I gave you a signal to stop your car .....dome ass......
"I'm sorry mam ......"
"Sorry my ass pendejo......
"Lola come on ......"
My dog ran to me with a leave in her mouth I picked my dog up and put her in my car I saw my mom rush out the door with my baby brother in her hands she called my name to stop talking like that and I got in my car and park in her drive way......
" Babe you ok .....I'm so sorry if you had to see that ......"
"It's ok at least you did it becasue if I did it I would kill him ......and who is this little girl righ her......
"Oh this is my dog Lola she bites people i train her how to do it and don't get close to her ......she migth...bbb"
"Oh she loves me ......"
"I see that is weird she bites everybody .....
I got out the car and Lola fallowed me and jake inside my moms house ....
"Hi mom ......"
"How many time I have I have to tell you not to do that to people ...."
"I'm sorry I told him to stop and he did not he was ganna hit my dog but I came to pick my stuff up and Lola's stuff Romeo ....
"Hey budy how it been .....
"Oh mom this is my boyfreind jake ...
"Hi jake your mother doing ...
"She is doing good .....
"You guy know each other ....
"Yeah his mom is my best freind ...
"Oh we'll all be back with Haley she want to talk to you so yeah ...
"Oh ok all be cooking some food and yeah your step dad will be home later ....
"Ok love ya mom..
"Love ya to...and bye jake kids behave..."
I put my stuff in the back of my car and jake helped me and Lola got in I put her leash on so she would not run away so yeah ........jake looked at me and he had a smerk on his face and then he looked back at the dog and Lola was knocked out on his lap .... We got home and I let Lola in the back yard to play with Haley's dog they were sister tho so yeah.......i put my stuff in my closet and put my shoes in the closet to that's all I had ....I felt some warms hands on my waist .....I looked back and jake smiles at me .....
"You did so good later.....
"Thanks all do anything to protect my family ....

Jake P.O.V
I was the lucky man here now I had a Spanish sexy girl and I love her and she went to the bathroom and took a bath and I told her I would wait for her outside and I did I was taking a nap in her bed ......
"Hey babe you at sleep ......
I did not responde at all she came out the bathroom and she had her towel on she took it of and man she had a good body I looked close and she had a puertorican flag on the back Rigth at the end of her back Rigth there in the middel of her hips it look cool and her body was amazing her brown black hair was alittle long and It was by her elbows and I got up and ........ put my hands on her hips ....
"You look amazing ....."
"Oh sorry I though you were at sleep I'm going back to the bathroom....
"No it fine you look hot and expesilly with that puertorican flag there ......and your long hair.....
"Thanks babe ....
"All put my cloth on and then we could wash a movie .......
"Ok babe all meet you in the living room ....
I walked to the closet to get some cloth so I could take a shower and I went to the bathroom and liz walked out the room and headed to the couch to find a movie ......
Lizbeth P.O.V
I walked out my room and headed to the couch to find a movie to put on so we could wash it ..... I went to the back yard to get Lola and doldsey and bring them inside I ran to the mailbox to see if I got my birthday card yet my birthday is tommorow that why my grandma always gives me birthday cards with $20.00 dollars in it next door neighbor came out I hate him he thinks he is cute ....but he is not and his wife is a bicth to ......I walked out there and I got the mail and when I was heading inside Colton came out and grab my arm he swing me around and was about to kiss me Intal .......I heard jake growl it was a big growl
"Who the fuck is that Liz and why is he grabbing you waist .......
"Oh this is my boyfreind .....jake ....
" What the fuck you doing with my girl jake what ever your name is asshole....
" Don't talk to him that way ....."
Jake went In front of me and Colton swing at my face he hit me and I drop to the floor my vision was blury I hit my head on the floor and I saw a big blown wolf with sky blue eyes fitting with a grey wolf with green eyes .....the blown wolf chased the grey wolf to te end of the street ....I passed out I could feel some warm hands on my face .....
"Liz sis wake up ......😭 come on wake up sis .....
"Haley comedown babe it's ok ...
" Liz wake up .....
I saw three people beside me and I saw jake had water and he gave it to me his hair was still wet i think he got out the shower and man he looked even cuter with his hair wet ....
" What happend why I'm i in my bed I though I took the mail ....
"Sis um you passed out when you got slapped by Colton ......
"Oh yeah I was still up I saw to werewolf figthing ....a blown one with sky blue eyes and a grey one with green eyes ....the blown one chased the grey one down the street ......
"Hey babe you ok ....
"Yeah ........
"Were you going sis....
"I'm going to the couch to see a movie ....and get some popcorn.....from the kichen....
"Oh yeah let's wash a movie.....oh and grandma send you a birthday card with money in it lucky you.......
"Hahahsh let's wash the movie ....
"All be back I am going to change I got some pijamas is cold in here.....
"Ok we'll wait for you over here .....

I change in to my pijamas and I was taking my pants off and I had some pannies on that said take them off and I got this they were new there from victory secret I love. victory secret ...... I was finding some pijamas and I did my JDM pijamas and jake saw me and he loved my pennies and yeah he kissed me in my mouth and we made out after we where done I put on my shirt and my pajamas back and we headed to the couch the popcorn was reading and the movie to ...........
"What were you guys doing....
"Nothing we were just talking about something ......"
"Let's get back to the movie ......yeee
Haley and Lorenso sat together and I was laughing cause Haley's was falling at sleep and Lorenso carry her to there room with doldsey going Rigth behind them.....
"goodnigth guys all see ya in the morning"
"Ok good nigth ....
Me and jake sat there washing a movie he had his arm across my neck we were washing scary clown I hate clowns and I was scared cause one popes out of no were and I scream so load Lola ran to my room and hide in her blanket and jake grab me in to a hug his warm chest and it felt so good I had butterfly's in my stomach and the movie ended so I went turned off the television and turn off all the ligth and locked the front door and made sure my car was looked to before we headed back to the bed ....I looked the bed room door and layed on my bed giving my back to jake he looked pissed I don't know why ........Lola was in the middle under the blanket sleeping I took the blanket off and garbed her and put her in her little bed beside me she went back to sleep Haley came out the room and knocked my door I got up and open the door ........
"Yes sis ...
" Here take doldsey she wants to sleep with Lola for some reason ..
"Ok .....
Haley went back to her room and locked her door I locked mines and walk back to the bed I took of my pijamas I cannot sleep with pijamas on its hot in here so I sleep with my pannies .....doldsey sleep with Lola in here bed keeping her warm I turned of the ligth and went to sleep and jake put his warm hands on my hips I fell at sleep faster.......

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