♡ b l i s s f u l ♡

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There was a gentle knock on the door. In response there was a small rustling of movement on the bed, but again there was no answer. "Lord Sima Zhao?" A feminine voice called out from the hallway. Yet once more there was no response from whomever was in bed. "My lord?" The voice again called out. A sigh left the man that was tangled in the sheets, warm light peeked from behind the curtain and the man slowly pulled his blanket from his face as he tried to adjust to the room.

The woman knocked again which caused the brunette in bed to sigh, his head falling back on the pillow as he just stared at the ceiling in annoyance. "What a bother."

"Lord Sima Zhao. You've been summoned-" The quiet servant behind the door didn't get to finish before the door opened. "My Lord?" Whoever interrupted the girl, entered the room approached his bedside and Sima Zhao looked up at the woman, offering a tired smile. "Ah, good morning my lady." The woman smiled down at him. "It's noon." She corrected.

His face twisted in confusion before he chuckled, slowly turning to glance at the curtain. "Is it?" Zhao wondered and she nodded. "Yes." A moment of silence passed and he sighed. "You've got to see me off. I will be leaving for the battlefield in an hour or so." She told him as she sat down on the bed right next to him.

It wasn't long before they were happy, they had gotten married not long ago and now he was seeing her off to the field. "Don't have to look so sad." As she gently touched the top of his head, running her fingers through his messy brunette hair. Sima Zhao just smiled fondly at her. "(Y/N)?" He asked, earning a small hum in response to acknowledge her name.

"I love you." The words slipped out so easily, in the beginning of their relationship the thought didn't cross his mind.

She stopped and blinked down at him, he grinned lazily. The (h/c) haired woman face turned a shade of red and she just smiled shyly. "I love you too, my lord." The woman giggled and leaned down, kissing the top of his head. But soon she pulled away then sat back up straight, still on the bed side.

The sound of people in the far distances and bells ringing, (Y/N) gave him another smile. "I will have to go-" But as the words left her mouth, she felt a hand on her upper arm. She glanced down at the hand that rested on her arm and followed it back to her husband.
Not a moment later, she was pulled down onto the bed and pulled closer to the man. "Zhao-"

The protest died when she felt him bury his face into the back of her neck, cursing quietly under his breath about how it was such a bothersome. A smile slowly made its way on her lips and she closed her eyes. Just enjoying the presence of her lover, feeling the breath on her neck and soft breathing along with birds outside their room.

Zhao's arms were snakes around her waist and his lips pressed against her shoulder, as they laid there. He wished she would take it easy, instead of insisting on going onto the battlefield again. "...pain."

"Zhao?" She responded quietly, confused. "You're a pain sometimes." Zhao repeated louder with a huff. (Y/N) just chuckled and nodded, feeling the man shift then his arm underneath her slipped away then she felt hands move up her back to play with her hair.

The man clenched his jaw tensely, he wished she would stay and lay down with him like this everyday. But that would be unlike her, the woman who he grown to love. It was something he loved about her regardless. He sighed. "Just don't push yourself so hard." Zhao brushed her hair to the side and kissed the side of her neck.

"Come back to me well rested." Zhao's arm tightened around her. "I will." (Y/N) hummed and glanced down at his arm securely wrapped around her fondly. "Promise?"

"I promise." She agreed with a small nod. Zhao paused and chuckled. "Alright good. Wasn't sure if I needed to come along and force you to take naps." He teased, earning a giggle at the memory of when he in fact had done that. Holding her in bed till she had fallen asleep. Zhao just grinned, bumping the top of his head against her back. "Alright, alright- now.. just be safe out there." He warned as he loosened his grip from around her waist.

The brunette let go of the locks of (h/c) locks he'd been playing with. (Y/N) turned around to face him and gave him a small smile, Zhao just gave a goofy smile before leaning in. Catching his lips against hers, kissing her slowly and cupping (Y/N)'s cheek. Zhao tilted his head and deepened the kiss.

Soon enough he pulled away, leaving his wife flustered and lips swollen. Zhao fondly rubbed her cheek with his thumb, the couple locked eyes and she let out a breathy chuckle. "I- heh.." Looking to the side bashfully. He smiled fondly at her, leaning in and kissing the top of her head. "Hm, say did you eat yet?"

"It's almost noon." (Y/N) stated, as she watched as he grinned. "Lunch?" He offered and the woman just smiled back. It would be a while before they ate together again and she wasn't against the idea of eating before she left. Nodding, "Absolutely." She agreed.

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