Since the day that I met you, you have made me smile. We have awesome crazy conversations, We laugh at things others would scoff at, and We like so many similar things. You have been the light of my life. I am so happy with you. I love that we can be comfortable around each other (even a little too comfortable some times), I love that you don't have to put on makeup every time I see you, I love that we can talk about things that the other founds (dreadfully) boring, I love that we can just be who we are. There is no vale, no mask, just plain and simple love and admiration for the other; just plain and pure love.
You are always there for me when I need it, you tell me the things I need to hear, you calm me down, and when all else fails you are simply by my side. You are the most perfect person I could have ever hoped for. I know that we will have an incredible and amazing future together. We will have fun times and hard times, but I know no matter what we will make it through everything and be stronger for it.
Here is to the future, the fun times, the sad, the first time we see our child, and to when they move away; Here is to us, and to you. I love you beyond all concept of the words. TTAF Xx