The kids

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Taylor was a lot of help.  She would grab me anything I needed before I could get up myself or ask her. Maybe she just didn't wanna smell his poopy diaper anymore or hear him cry for a bottle. Ya that sounds more like it.

I thought having two kids would be harder than it was. Don't get me wrong it's hard but it's easy done when you have the love that you have for your kids. I got on this baby wakes up, feed him,change him, put him in bouncer. Taylor wakes up and I fees her she does the rest herself.

What was hard was trying to spend time with both my kids. Taylor just didn't understand that with Ian being a baby he needed a little more of my time because he can't do nothing on his own yet, like she could. It was much better when she went to school.

Taylor started pre k. It was hard on me. My baby was growing up and starting school. I cried and cried for the first week. After the first week I was a little more okay with it because I had alone time with Ian so that I could bond with him. When Tay got home from school Ian was ready for a nap and he slept a good three hours (I know lucky me). That's when me and Taylor had our alone time.

Ian was good about his naps. Still is. As a matter of fact like I said both my kids are good sleepers. When they are both ready for bed Taylor just goes in her room and crashes, no problem. Ian cries until I open the gate now and walkes to his room.

Okay back to the past. Ian is walking! Ian was walking before he was a year old and by summer he was running all over the place. Taylor on the other hand didn't walk for a while. When Ian started walking I noticed who the problem child was.

He would get into everything. I had to keep up picture frames, dvds, anything really. It was a pain. I like having decor on my stands but mommys got to deal with small things like that. Not a very big deal.

My kids are my world. I used to love going out on the weekends and having a few drinks with my friends and altho it would still be nice once in a while. It's not needed. I would much rather sit home watching sponge bob,baking,and spending time with my babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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