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( im just saying there gonna be a scene in this chapter were there are some cutting im just warning you)

It was Jake who was at the door. He looked at me and smiled. I gave him a tiny smile and let him inside. 

Kira: so what brings you here?

Jake: i came to talk to Logan about something

Kira: oh

Jake: yes where is he?

Kira: upstairs 

Jake: thank you

He walked upstairs with me behind him. We got to my room where they still were in. I opend the door and walked inside. 

Dad: oh hey Jake what brings you here?

Jake: I need to talk to you

Dad: okay, come on then.

They left the room and i sat on my bed. 

Kira: im sorry 

Daniel: why are you saying sorry?

Kira: because i was the one who told her to come here

Zach: no i was the one who asked if you could stay here

Kira: im still sorry 

Jonah: there nothing to say sorry about.

Corbyn: No its alright and your alright 

Kira: wait why did you go with her?

Corbyn: oh i made sure she didint tell Logan, like she said she would 

Kira: oh 

I sighed and closed my eyes. I had the feeling back were i needed to cut my arms. 

Corbyn's P.O.V 

Kira laid down on her bed after we told her that she didnt do anything wrong. I read her mind wich made me stand up really quikly. 

Corbyn: guys block the door to the bathroom!

Jonah: why?

Corbyn: just do it 

Kira sat up and looked at all of us. she looked at me even more and her eyes widen as she figure out what happend. 

Kira's P.O.V

i heard Corbyn say something about a door. I sat up and saw they blocked the bathroom door. I looked at Corbyn and then it hit me 'He read my mind!' I got and ran to my way to the bathroom. Just as i got there i got picked up and thrown on my bed again. I saw Corbyn Standing at the end of the bed while looking at me. I tried again but this time the other door that was free. But Corbyn Caught me on the way to the door and this time he laid on top me while holding me down. 


Corbyn: no Kira come on you can handle it 


Jonah: Corbyn whats going on. 

Corbyn: she was thinking about cutting again. 

Zach: no dont do that Kira please 

Kira: i need TO

Zach came over and laid down next to me and Corbyn Moved so he wasnt on top of me anymore.  I start crying while trying to get Zach away from me. 

Kira: just let me do it once 

Jack: no i would never let you do that 

I just laid in my bed while Zach was holding a arm around me. I really needed to cut. While i laid there i think it was Jonah left the room to go some were.

After sometime i fell asleep.

Corbyn's P.O.V 

Kira fell asleep while Zach was holding her. 

Corbyn: phew

Jack: we should remove all the sharp objects in the bathrooms

Zach: you guys can go ill stay here with Kira and makes sure she doesn't get up and do something stupid.

Daniel: alright come on 

I took the bathroom in Kira's room. I took the razors that seemed to be the only thing that was sharp enough to do any harm and left to look for others things that she could use. 

When we were done in the whole house we went back up to her room and laid in the bed Were Zach also fell asleep. 

(IM SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED, i feel so bad but anyway................... i need a new bestfreind for Kira, so if you wanna be her freind then message me and tell me a bit about your self 😊)

Adopted by Logan Paul (werewolf) (why don't we)Where stories live. Discover now