The words

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*le cri*

Kaminari dAnKi's Pov (haha more background characters Pov)

Ha! I think it's pretty hilarious that Midoriya got a girl before Bakubro did. He told me not to tell him about that because he might get mad and have another one of his meltdowns. That Utsushimi girl is lucky she hasn't seen them.

Speaking of her, she's pretty brave. She even had the guts to talk to Bakubro on her first day to invite him to this party. Enough about that, now for stuff about the party!

"Ooooookay, now to play Spin The Bottle! Jirou, you go first." Mina yells. Hmmm, Jirou's pretty cute. I like how she's really stong and independent, and I love her tsundere personality, which Mina told me she has. She must be pretty nervous, considering how self conscious she is and the fact that we have Mineta here too.

Mina puts a Dr. Pepper bottle in the middle of all of us and Jirou steps up to the bottle and from my seat I can see her take a breath and spin the bottle. Around and around and around it goes, and the suspense is probably killing her too. The bottle slows and stops, pointing to



Oh no....

Jirou turns red with anger, "Come over here you little shit of a person Mineta." She growls while grinding her teeth. Honestly, I know what Mineta is going to say, and I wish the bottle landed on me instead. He steps up, oh boy here it comes.

Bby gurl Jirou, I'm so sorry ;-;

"Why would I want to kiss you? You call me a shithead, but you're a mistake. You're nowhere near as beautiful as all the other girls. You're so flat chested, who would love you? How'd you even get into UA when my quirk is more powerful that yours? You don't deserve a kiss from me or any other guy. Nobody will be happy with you. Just go die." He rudely says.

Jirou starts to cry, and runs off into the forest. I know how self conscious she is about her figure and her quirk, and this probably hit her heart hard. I give Mineta a 0.5 million volt shock, which is probably fatal, but knowing him he would live. Then I run off after the girl that needs me right now.

Jirou's Pov (so sorry bby girl. :( also slight mention of suicide and self harm, if you can't take it you can't take my mind soooo)

I can't believe he said that to me. I mean, I can but humiliating me in front of the entire class is just mean! Maybe I should just die. He's right, no one would ever miss me... now where's that sharp rock I saw earlier? I can barely see through my tears.

Aha! There it is! Now let's start with... my left ear. My weakest trait, it's time for you to go. It'll grow back probably, because of my quirk, but it'll still hurt for a little bit. I raise the rock and cut a little bit of it when the bushes rustle. Kaminari pops out of them. Oh great, now my crush is seeing me make myself look weak.

"JIROU!" He cries. While looking at my bloody hand, he starts to sob. I wonder why he's sobbing while he (prepare yourself for the CRINGEEEEEEEE)


He doesn't see to care that he's half naked, he just goes to my head and wraps his shirt around me like a headband. Hmm, that's kinda sweet... but why would be do that for me?

"J-Jirou, don't e-ever do this again. Please? I care for you too much." He lets out another sorrowful sob. "Why do you even care for me? I'm just a flat chested worthless being." I hiccup. He looks at me pleadingly.

"Jirou, I know this might not be the time but I care because I love you! I don't care if your so called 'not as beautiful' as the other girls, you're perfect to me! You're a strong independent girl who loves the same things I do, and I've fallen for you through all of the jokes and teasing. Can you please stay with us? For me?"

I hiccup, again and again until I just give up on talking and lay down on his lap. I look up and he's stopped crying, which relieves me. Through all my hiccups, I hope that he hears me say, "I love you, you dumb Pikachu."

Hagakure's pov (cause writing as ojiro is too hard and it's really late at night)

Oh no! I hope Jirou is okay! But considering that Kaminari-kun went after her, I think she's going to be okay. But now I have to find her in the forest. Hopefully they're both together and Kaminari cheered her up. I'll bring someone with me. Hmm, maybe because this party is for shipping, I pick,

"OJIRO-KUN CMON LETS GO FIND THOSE TWO BEFORE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS!" (No nothing bad will happen because this story is pure f l o o f) I yell. He springs over gracefully and lands equally as graceful. "Okay. Get on my back, it'll be faster." He says, and I comply.

I underestimated how fast Ojiro could travel, swinging through the trees swiftly and gracefully. I'm getting caught up in all his glory and accidentally let go. Since we're about 30 feet out, I could've died if Ojiro hadn't cause me.

"Thanks Ojiro!" I cheer gratefully. He blushes and said, "It's nothing, don't mention it." And we continue. I hear a noise and tap Ojiro to signal him to go to the right. Once we get close, I see the noise is from Kaminari and Jirou. I hop down first and give Jirou a hug and give Kaminari a nod of approval.

"Jirou, are you good?" I ask her. "Yeah, Denki parched me up." She blushes, then realized what she said. "DONT TELL MINA!" She yells, but I'm already running towards the beach. I hear Ojiro mutter, "She's crazy, but she's mine."

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~Star, out!

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