Chapter 1

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The ear-piercing buzz of the alarm wakes me from my slumber to another horrible day. Groaning I get up from my bed and hear a shout from my father telling me to turn the damn thing off. I put the alarm clock on my dresser a few feet from my bed so I would have to get up to turn it off. I think it's a smart idea. Annoying but smart.

Turning it off I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. Along the way I meet my father, who I despise, and hoping he won't do anything. But every morning he gives me a wake-up slap. And it hurts. He walks up to me and gives me the routine slap and grins as he walks away. Holding my cheek as it stings, I continue to the bathroom. Why must he hit me? It's like he just doesn't even want me alive, let alone living with him. I don't understand why he's like this. Shrugging it off, I strip and go inside the shower, washing my body.

Turning off the shower and grabbing a towel from the nearby rack and wrap it around my waist.

Entering my room, discarding the towel after drying myself and putting on clothes, I grab my backpack and my ipod and leave to school. I contemplated grabbing a bagel but there really is no point if my dad ends up punching me in the stomach and me losing my appetite. He tends to do that if I eat so I want to avoid that at all costs.

"Hurry up and get your mute ass out so I can leave for work." My dad shouts from the kitchen.

I knew it, he was waiting for me in there. I hurriedly leave before anymore abuse happens.

My dad never gives me rides to school, he hasn't given me one for years so I make the 40 minute journey to school. The walk isn't so bad, really. I put my headphones in and listen to music. However it is November and quite chilly. But such is life. No point in complaining.

Finally getting to the school, my nose is numb from the cold wind, I walk inside and warmth surrounds me. Continuing to my locker, I get a few accidental shoves from people as they walk by. At my locker, I put my jacket away and my backpack and grab my textbooks and binder and head to class.

***last break***

I thought I could handle it this time but I have a bloody nose now because some stupid jock thought it would be funny to try and make me talk using brute force. However I haven't said a word in years so it was pointless. I held a tissue to my nose as I walked to class. A teacher walking along asked if I could give a tour of the school to a new student and I tried to motion the fact I didn't speak but he didn't get the hint and dropped the student on my shoulders, not literally.

He was really tall and he had short hair in the back but had semi-long bangs. His hair was brown and he had really pretty emerald green eyes. His skin was a light tan and very nice completion. He introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Thomas. What's your name."

I stood there blank faced unsure what to do but I grabbed a piece of paper from my binder and started writing.

"Hi. My name is Echo. I don't speak but I'll gladly give you a tour." I smile. He reads it and returns it with a cute smile showing is straight white teeth. It looked like he never had a cavity in his life.

"Yeah that's fine." He returns again with a smile.

We walk around the school, as I write down places that we're in like the science wing, the language wing. We go outside and it's self explanatory that that is the sports field. I ask what his last class is.

"Let me check my timetable. Uh it's Japanese." A huge grin plasters my face.

"That's my class too. What are your other classes." I write.

We exchange timetables and it seems we are in most of the same classes except he has taken metal art and I took video production.

"Hey we're in the same classes. Great, I have a friend so I'm not alone." He says. My face grows solemn.

"I've never had a friend before..." I write with a frown. His eyes widen.

"What!? You've never had a friend!?" I nod

"Well I'm sure we're just acquaintances now but with more time hanging out we can be great friends." He says trying to cheer me up. I smile but it quickly turns into a frown again.

A friend. I wonder what that's like.


Hello, my name is chococheekcupcakes but you can just call me cupcake or whatever. This is my first story and I'm super excited in writing it. The picture above is Echo and the next chapter I'll be showing Thomas. I hope you all give me positive feedback and lovely comments. Ily, my lovelies <3

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