Chapter 10- 5 years later

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"Now make a wish and blow out the candles!" Cwryen Caster  screeched.

The seven-layer cake sitting in front of Chara and Belle had thirty candles, fifteen for each of them. The party was held at Belle's this year, and a good thing too, because there were many guests and much space was needed. Three energetic, poofy-haired girls hovered over the birthday girls. One was blue, one a deep magenta and the third a light red.

"Quick, quick!" the blue one urged.

"Blow them out!" cried the magenta one.

"Yeah, so we can dig in!" the red one clapped.

"Holly, Amber, Sigyn!" Cwryen Caster shouted, ushering the girls back into their seats. "Calm yourselves!"

Belle looked to her friend. "You ready?"

Chara nodded. "On three."

"One..." they counted together, "two...three!"

They inhaled simultaneously and extinguished the tiny flames while Madisyn snapped a picture. There were cheers from everybody and a cry from a baby.

"That yours or mine?" Loki asked Alyssa.

"I got this one!" Boise declared, rushing to a purple baby carriage. He took a baby bottle out of his bag and fed it to the infant. "Here you go, little fella! There's a good little JohnnyStien!"

It turned out that it was possible for a human and a dog to have a child. At a glance, the boy looked normal: an tan earth human with green hair, until you saw his green dog eyes and fluffy orange tail.

The young boy let out a burp. Boise only smiled.

"That's my special boy!"

Loki put his hands around the birthday girls' shoulders. "So what did you gals wish for?"

"I wished that Chara's wish would come true," Belle said.

"Aw, thanks, Beauty!" Chara sniffed.

"In that case," the frost giant said, "what'd you wish for, Miss Human?"

The princess blushed. "Uh...I wished for...muffins!"

Chloe Price rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Loki chuckled and snapped up a plate of assorted muffins. "Here you are, but I think you should have the cake first."

"Cake, cake, cake!" the Caster triplets chanted, pounding their hands on the table.

"Girls!" Cwryen said firmly. "That's not very polite. You know the birthday girls get the first bite of the cake! It's one of the major rules of birthday parties!"

The girls scrambled into a line as Loki cut the chocolate-frosted yellow cake.

"Uh, how many calories does this have?" asked a tan princess girl with an elegantly coiffed brown hair. "I'm on a diet."

"Oh please," Kara groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be such a party pooper, Liberty!" Tatum laughed, patting her daughter's head. "There's nothing wrong with a little cake. Besides, you're too young to be dieting."

Liberty was Kara's age at nine and was the daughter of Tatum and Logun Sims. Belle had not wanted her to come because she was so fussy, but she had rarely seen Aunt Tatum since her marriage and wherever she went, Liberty went.

"Here you go, girls," Loki said, handing Chara and Belle each a slice of cake.

The latter gasped as the plate floated out of her hands and over to a high chair. There sat a tan boy with a lock of black hair and brown eyes. He clapped his hands as the cake landed in front of him.

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