Chapter Fourteen

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Emily's POV

I arrived back at the DG I looked up a the place knowing this would be my last visit back. I smiled thinking of all the ood memories and how I had come by my family. And really it was thanks to my really annoying older brother. Who had kidnapped me. I sighed and rang the door bell. Liam held our little girl's hand she was now getting quite big. She didn't recornise the place but had heard about it form us and seemed excited but yet nervous.

The door opened it was Mikee. He brougt me into a hug. Heshook Liam's other hand and bent down to say helo to georgia. Lucy and Jke came out and I hugged both. I came in and Mike took our suitcases and bags. I went to my room and unpacked with Lucy's help. Soon the door bell rang again and I came down and Cailtlin, Johnny and CJ were there. I looked and Cailtin's stomach it was rather large.

"Have you got something to tell us?" I asked bemused.

"I'm preganaunt again," Caitlin laughed.

"Who's the father?" Mike laughed.

"Oh a boy across the street form us," Caitlin joked.

"Congrats Johnny but first as Cailtin's preganunt we need to run across London to talk to somebody about it," I laughed as I came down and hugged her.

I hugged Johnny too and then I picked up CJ who was now really tall. I swang him around.

"Hello Emily," CJ giggled.

"Hey buddy," I laughed, "You are going to be a big brother."

"I know," CJ said proudly.

I helped Caitlin up the stairs with her stuff as she was well nearly due by the look of it. Me, her an Lucy and unpacked her stuff and came down to find Liam and Johnny have an arm westle. Although Johnny had fianlly grown, Liam still had the strength and beat him. I laughed and Johnny's defeated face. Just then the door bell went again.

"Harry," I called as I saw him.

I got up and so did Liam.

I ran over to Harry and hugged him, I had missed my little brother although I had a new memeber of the family too look after I still missed playing with Harry. I then got up and hugged Jack.

"Hey Grandad," he was called as our little girl ran up to him.

I smield at his face.

"Mike don't you think I am to young to be a granddad," Jack complained.

Mike just laughed.

Tee arrived moments later who went straight to her brother, Johnny smiled he had learnt not to be so protective but he still had that hint that he wouldn't let anybody touch her.

Electra and Sumzi arrived a little later. They both seemed happy to be back just like us. Frank and Tom were yet to arrive. Electra looked a little upset but Sumzi comforted her. The rest of the day past without a sign of Frank or Tom. Frank arrived around five o'clock in the evening. He had a motor cycle which Liam insisted on trying.

It was only as everybpdy was about to go to bed that Tom arrived. He had his hair spicked up and wearing black sunglasses and a leather jacket. He looked rather well diffrent. He had lost all his sporting looks. He seemed to have not run since he left Elm tree. I did worry about Tom quite a lot he seemed rather lonly and troublesome now. She has recived a call from the police asking her to sign some papers to allow Tom's release. She had never told Liam or anyone at Tom's request. I didn't even get told what he did.

I hugged him and asked him how he was.

"Fine," he said shortly and rather cold. I looked taken back and felt it too.

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