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Due to being the designated driver of the evening, I was supposed to remain sober enough to safely drive us home. However, this did not stop Jimin from nearly drinking an entire bottle of wine on his own.

The majority of the ride home was spent with Jimin giggling about the idea of seeing either of our friends getting a lap dance. It wasn't until we got to our neighborhood that he remembered I had been to a couple bachelor parties in the past.

"Yoongi... you've been around strippers before. How many lap dances would you say you've had?" He leaned onto the center console and gazed up at me with the very same teasing look in his eye from earlier.

I sighed. "Why do you have to make it sound like I frequent strip clubs? Like I said before, I've only been to two bachelor parties." I turned into our driveway and parked the car. "And if you're really that curious... I've never had a lap dance... or a private show... or anything like that. It wasn't my thing at those parties."

Jimin rolled his eyes as I opened my door and made my way around to help him into the house. "Bullshit. I bet you've at least stuck some cash in a guy's underwear or something."

I went quiet for a moment while I unlocked the door to the house. "Jimin... it wasn't my thing because... I've only been to bachelor parties for straight guys."

I closed the door behind us and helped him into our bedroom. Jimin was silent while he did his best to process that bit of information in his drunken state.

"They were parties for my friends during the time in my life when I was trying really hard to deny that I felt the way I do about men." I helped Jimin out of clothes and into bed, doing the same for myself shortly after. "My friends would all encourage me to get into it and join in on the festivities or whatever, but I would look at the girls dancing on them and I just felt like I didn't belong there. I wanted to go home, but I stayed for the liquor and support for whoever was getting married."

Jimin cuddled up to my side. "You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. We don't even have to go to a strip club! Both of them would probably be just as happy at a fucking spa or something." He giggled a bit and kissed my chest.

I shook my head. "I want to do it. I think it'll be a good time."

"Good." He rolled on top on me, straddling my hips. "Because I was thinking that maybe we could learn something... maybe try something new at home?" He leaned down and gently brushed his lips against mine as he trailed softly to my neck. He stopped just below my jaw and began kissing.

A rush of euphoria ran throughout my body. He was trying to get me aroused. "Jimin, you're drunk. I don't know that... fuck... I don't know that we should do anything tonight."

He pulled away enough to whisper into my ear. "You're not taking advantage of me, Yoongi. I want it, I can tell by the rock hard bulge in your underwear that you want it, and Seyoon is gone for the night." He sucked lightly on my earlobe. "I don't have to keep quiet this time... we don't get that chance very often."

Although his inhibitions were lowered, he seemed to be doing and saying the typical things he did in order to get me in the mood. Could I really live with myself knowing I'm doing that to him while his like this?

"I'm sorry my love, but I think it will have to wait until the morning." I lifted his chin to get him to look at me.

Jimin rolled his hips to rub some friction between his ass and my dick. "Please? I want to ride you." This was tasking some serious will power. I gently pushed Jimin off of me and pinned him down. "Fuck... that works too."

I just kissed Jimin on the forehead and rolled back to my side of the bed. "I love you Jimin. Goodnight."

He huffed out of frustration. "I love you too. Goodnight Yoongi."


The next morning I woke up to the feeling of Jimin brushing his fingers through my hair. I groaned and pulled him closer to me so that his chest was pressed against mine and our legs where intertwined.

"I didn't mean to wake you. You just looked so peaceful... I couldn't help myself." He softly kissed me.

I couldn't help but smile. "Are you still drunk?"

Jimin rolled his eyes at me. "I don't have to be drunk to be sweet to you."

"I know that. I'm just picking on you." I brushed a strand of hair away from his face. "How are you feeling after last night?"

"Well, my head hurts. That can be fixed with some aspirin and a decent breakfast." He slowly sat up. "You wanna cook for me?"


After cooking and serving breakfast I sat with Jimin at the table while we ate. We decided to get started on planning the parties for our dear friends so that it wouldn't be left down to last minute decisions.

I shoved a mouthful of eggs into my mouth. And watched as Jimin google searched different clubs. "Oh! Look at this one." He turned his laptop in my direction to show me the website of some place called Temptations.

There were pictures and video of barely clothed men dancing on poles, grinding on people, and various different forms of alcohol.

"It looks exciting! They would like this for sure!" He scrolled through the page. "Do you think we should have them at the same place or two separate clubs?"

I put my fork down on my plate. "If they're really serious about this abstinence thing, do really think it's such a good idea to take them to a place like that?"

"It's not like they're going to sleep with anyone. It's just watching a bunch of guys dance while we get wasted. It'll be fun." He turned the laptop back so it was directly in front of him. "I'll make sure you have a good time. Don't worry." He winked at me the went back to scrolling.

"Eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

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