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"Please tell me what's wrong Micha...I don't like seeing you like this." I looked up at him. He sighed and shuffled inside with me still holding onto him. He pushed the front door shut before hugging me back just as tightly, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"Micha?" I muttered as I heard sniffling coming from him.


"I'm sorry, (y/n)..." He stood up straight and let go of me, taking off his glasses to wipe his tears away. "I just...I..." He instantly broke down again. The sight of him crying like this was heartbreaking to me. I started to lead him into the living room, sitting him on the couch. I sat beside him closely, rubbing his back. I took his glasses and placed them on the coffee table.

"It's alright Micha. You can tell me anything. It's alright." I laid back against the couch, letting him cuddle up close to me. I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly calmed down from his crying fit.

"My...My ma..." He stuttered, looking up at me with those sad eyes. "She...passed...last night..."

"Oh my god, Michael...I'm so so sorry." I hugged him as tight as I could. His mothers were almost like family to me. Hearing this news was heartbreaking for both of us. We both stayed silent for a long time, just holding each other and let our tears out. Once we calmed ourselves down, we stayed on the couch, cuddling. I ran my fingers through his hair as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"I'm here for you... I always will be." I whispered to him as I placed a soft kiss on his head. He nodded slowly. "Do you want me to stay the night?"

"Yea...If you can..." He looked up at me. I gave him a small smile.

"Of course I can." I kissed his forehead. That made a small smile form on his lips. "There's that smile I know and love." That comment made him smile more, avoiding eye contact.

"We...We should get to bed." Michael stood up, grabbing his glasses before offering me his hand. I took his hand and held it as we went up the stairs to his room. I got in the bed after taking my shoes off, waiting for him, knowing he's going to want to cuddle even more. I'm surprised that he and I aren't dating yet. I dated Jeremy at the beginning of our junior year, but he just wasn't the one. If I had the chance to date Michael, I'd take it. I broke out of my thoughts when I felt a dip in the bed beside me and the lights go out.

"Thank you for coming over...Mom is gonna be gone for a few days. She needs time to herself..."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay for those few days if you wanted." I shifted closer to him, wrapping my arms around him as he did the same to me.

"That'd be great... Thank you." He nuzzled my head as I nuzzled into his chest.

"Goodnight, Micha." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight, (y/n)."

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