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Alex pov
We got are journals back and I decided to draw on the cover. I am currently a girl. I drew myself surrounded by spirits. I noticed (y/n) looking at it. I wasn't paying attention to the lesson and soon the bell rang for lunch. (Y/n) went out into the hall.
I went to lunch to go sit with mallory. I didn't eat anything because I dont eat school food. Mallory asked " you alright alex?".
"Yea" I replied. "(Y/n ) isnt back yet. You should go check on them. "Alright" I said. I went down the hall and to the bathroom.
I noticed ( y / n ) with their back to me. Blood was dripping from their arms "What happened? " I asked with a concerned tone in my voice. They turned to face me ."Nothing but an accident alex dont worry about it." They told me."ok."

148 words yay

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