Shopping and Syrup - tododeku

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Hi! There will be smut in this Oneshot. This will most likely be shit. 😁

Izuku p.o.v

I groaned as I felt in my pocket for the shopping list. Once again, I'd forgotten about it...nevermind, we'd just have to try and remember what it said as I wasn't going back now. It had already taken me at least an hour to persuade my boyfriend to come with me and I wasn't letting him have and excuse to go back home. As we headed down the first aisle I interlocked our fingers and noticed Shoto glare at a small child who gave us a strange look. I squeezed his hand to tell him it was okay, the child had probably never seen boy x boy or girl x girl before. It was only about 3 years old.
As we entered the freezer section, I felt my right hand become warmer and I giggled as the warmth spread throughout my body. "You do know it's not that cold here right babe?"
I got no response from my boyfriend but a small smirk played on his lips as cold slowly crept through my body, I began to shiver slightly. "Using your right side isn't fair!" Shoto just burst out laughing.
Half way through the shop, Shoto was reaching to the higher shelves (cos me short) and I heard a growl to my left. I glanced over to see Kacchan being restrained by an iron grip on the back of his hoodie, caused by Kirishima's hardened hand. Kirishima rolled his eyes at Kacchan and then waved happily at me. I waved back.
We moved in to the next aisle and passed Kacchan and kirishima now Kacchan was fumeing and popping small explosions all around his hands. Shoto noticed them this time and grabbed my hand wearily.
Once again the next aisle was the same event until we came to the fourth aisle. Kacchan must have really had it by this point as he lunged towards us screaming about how he was gonna kill me. I just hid behind Shoto as Kirishima tried to calm his boyfriend down and the rest of the shop stared at us. The pair had to be escorted out after that and I watched as Kirishima tried to drag Kacchan out of the car park to postpone any deaths.
Me and Shoto carried on our shopping then headed to the check out and paid.

About half a hour later we arrived back home and todoroki offered to put the shopping away while I went upstairs to change. I changed into a white t-shirt and black shorts. While waiting for Todoroki to come upstairs, I got bored and decided to call Ururaka, while sprawled out on my stomach on mine and Todo-kun's bed.

"Hey Deku"
"Hey Ura. I was wondering if you could come round and hang out with me. Todo-kun is busy and I'm bored."
"Sorry deku i wish I could but Iida is coming round to mine soon and you know what he's like."


So me and Ura ended up talking on the phone for a while until Todo-kun walked in and sat behind me. I continued talking to her until I felt Todoroki's breath in my ear.
"Keep quiet, kitten."
I felt my face go bright red and I started to think of an excuse to end the call.
"Ummm.... Ura I. .. just remem... mmmhh."
I tried to say something but todoroki had other ideas. He decided to move his hand to my clothed member and slowly rub his palm against it. I tried to hold in the moan but a quiet, almost inaudible, one emerged. Todo-kun didn't seem to be satisfied as he quickened his pace and started biting and sucking at my neck.
"Nhhh....s-shochan... s...stop!"
Ururaka must be dying right now. I was correct but shocked at what she was doing. She was in her fangirl mood. I only ever see this when she sees shinso and denki do any couple stuff.

"Hey Ura-chan I'm here."
I start to panic as I hear Iida's calm voice.
Ururaka starts to panic as well and says
"I'll leave you two to it. BAI!!!!" As she quickly ended the call.

Once the call ended I felt Shochan pull off my shirt and bite down on my sweet spot. Right above my collarbone. I moaned out in pleasure, no longer bothered about making noise due to the fact we live in a detached house and we made the walls sound proof... for certain reasons.
"I told you to keep quiet kitten...or do you want to be punished?" He whispered into my ear. His voice was husky and it sent a shiver up my spine. Last time I didn't obey him wasn't pleasant at all...
"I am speaking to you"
"Y-yes master..."
"Now stay quiet or there will be punishment"
I nodded my head and gripped the bedsheets as he started to trail his tongue down along my spine to the waistband of my shorts. Then he rolled me onto my back and began to suck on one of my nipples, rolling the other between his fingers and a painfully slow pace. I bearly held in my moans as he swapped nipples and as he began biting down softly on it I groaned out and arched my back. I needed more. He chuckled and sat up. Leaving me extremely hard and worked up on our bed. I turned to him to see him disappearing out of the door. "I'll be back. Stay put and no touching yourself. Okay?" I just nodded. I'd made a noise. I was going to be punished.
It had been ten minutes now and my pants were really tight. I was in a unbelievable amount of pain. My hand snuck down lower and into my boxers. I gripped my hard member and felt the immense pleasure shoot through my body as I began to stroke myself. Slowly at first. Then faster. And faster. And faster. My moans growing and growing. Then the door opened and master returned. He looked at me in disappointment and I glanced back, to be honest I was absolutely terrified. I'd just been caught disobeying his rules again and now I was going to be punished twice as badly. How I didn't know, until I noticed the syrup bottle he'd placed in the basket when we were shopping in his hand and an evil grin on his face.
He slowly padded towards the bed, stripping down to his boxers as he came. Of course he had to give me a show, i was almost drooling by the time his jeans were around his ankles. His smirk grew as he reached into the bottom draw of our bedside table, bringing out handcuffs and a blind fold. He then slipped the black fabric over my eyes and strapped my hands to the bed so I was starfished out over our matress,completely vunerable as he straddled my waist.
He paused.
I whined out at the loss of activity before gasping out in shock as I felt sticky liquid (not what you think just yet dirty kiddies) being poured onto my stomach in a line from my sweet spot all the way down to my shorts waist band.
It was then I felt his rough tongue sliding along my chest, I clamped my jaw shut so that I wouldn't face anymore punishment, but as he got lower and lower I started to squeak and squirm. I was just unable to stop my noises when he pleasured me.
"Alright you slut. I guess that wasn't punishment enough for you. Want more from Daddy do you?" I could feel his smirk right now as he whispered his sweet teasing into my ear, making me shiver from the anticipation.
Suddenly I felt cold air hit my member as both my shorts and boxers were ripped away from me, leaving me exposed and nervous of what was to come.

Shoto p.o.v

I slowly dribbled the ice cold syrup along my boyfriends cock, loving to watch him struggle with his moans and knowing that he could do nothing about me teasing him all I want.
I slowly lowered my head to his cock and flicked my tongue over his slit, making him squeak out my name. I wanted to hear more of his sweet moans and decided on the best way to coax them from him while playing with his humiliation kink.
I retrieved the camera from the bottom drawer and snapped a few photos of his helpless figure to masturbate to at another time, probably when he is working late. I noticed him stiffened and giggled at his helplessness. This was turning me on really badly. Next I decided to use with his ticklishness, I lightly flicked my nails along his sides causing him the shreak out and try to squirm away. Like I was going to let him.
I slowly rakes my fingers along his stomach and down to his thighs as he threw himself left and right on our bed, flailing miserably. I then lowered my hand to his cock, still coated in the syrup and flicked my finger along his shaft, gathering some on my nail. He froze in complete shock, and as I repeated this
action I noticed that he was beginning to shiver at the sensation. Getting harder and harder. Hornier and hornier. Once I had removed all of the sweet treat from his and it now coated my fingers, I pulled his blindfold up slightly so that he could watch my slip and suck it off my fingers in the most sexual way possible. As soon as I was finished, I pulled his blindfold back down, but unstrapped the handcuffs. Next I sat him up and placed his cute, perfectly sculpted ass over my mouth, sitting him on my face. Next I blew cold air onto his pink puckered hold, making him shiver and hum in delighted to this new sensation, then without warning, I glide my tongue slowly over his hole and slipped it in slightly as it passed. I did this over and over again, slower and slower each time. Watching him become more aroused and needy each time. It was heaven.

I slid my tongue inside and swirled it around, experimenting with his reactions. This caused him to almost lose control at the mouth. He was trying to hide his moans so I decided to take my tongue out at immediately slide three fingers into his tight hole.
"Ahhhh D-daddy! H-hurts!" He moaned out. I ignored his complaints and continued stretching him out. After a few minutes of teasing my little pet I pinned him back down onto the bed and immediately rammed my hard cock into his, somehow still tight, ass. I gave him no adjustment time as this was punishment and started to try find his prostate. I knew I hit it when I heard him let out a loud moan and tell me to go faster and hit that place again.

A few minutes later and I could tell he was about to cum. I was debating whether to leave him like this but decided he had been punished enough. When he came he let out a loud, sweet moan and he tightly clamped around my cock sending me over the edge. I came in his ass and decided to stay there. I cuddled up to him ignoring the cum and syrup and told myself to clean up tommorow.

I turned to see that my (not so innocent) cinnamon roll had fallen asleep already. I did the same and fell into a blissful slumber

Ururaka's POV

(This is gonna be just after Ururaka hung up)
God that was a close one. If Iida had saw any of that he would have zoomed off to their place and told them to not do any PDA while on call. I'm just happy I got to snap a few screenshots.
"Hey Ura who were you talking to"
Iida walked up behind me and sat down.
"Oh it was only Deku!" I reply happily and pretending I didn't just see something beautiful.
"Why did you hang up? He could have been able to help."
I panicked and tried to think of an excuse to save mine, Deku's and Todoroki's ass.
"Ummm... deku had to go help Todoroki pack some stuff away..." pls believe me.
"Oh ok"
Yes bitch. I live to see another day!

Iida's POV
They fucked again...I swear to All Might I will knock some sense into them!

OK that's our first ever smutshot done. Sorry if it's cringe but if you didn't like why did you read it!?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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