666 by roberto bolanco

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2666 is divided into five parts, all dealing with the unsolved murders of over 300 largely young, poor Mexican women, although the story is told through different characters and settings. The first segment, "The Part About the Critics", focuses on a quartet of European literary critics – French Jean-Claude Pelletier; Italian Pieor Morini; Spanish Manuel Espinoza; and the only woman in the group, British Liz Norton. They've all built their careers around the works of reclusive German author Benno von Archimboldi. They are traveling the world searching for him in an effort to find more details about his life. This leads them to his elderly publisher Mrs. Bubis, whom they try to probe for information. At a seminary in Toulouse, they meet up with Rodolfo Alatorre, a Mexican man who says he has a friend who met Archimboldi in Mexico City. The author was said to be heading to Santa Teresa. The academics head to Mexico, but fail to find him. Romantic complications involving Norton and her male companions complicate the trip.

2666 by Robert bolanco Where stories live. Discover now