紹介 •|• Prologue

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"NO , i said , I won't say it!! You little..!"

A deep growling voice erupted in the old ruined house , while the remaining resonance of the voice wandered to the silent forest.

The demon showed his white but bloody fangs in a menacing way , but failed totally in threatening the demon slayer in his sight.

The demon slayer stared at the demon , who's sweating heavily with dilating red eyes , laying with several wounds on his body.

The demon was no longer powerful to even block a slash with it's long nails.

"Oh , really?" The male with the young blue coat and hood tilted his head slightly , before unsheathing his red and black katana in a heartbeat , pointing the sharp edge on the demon's neck.He opened the smaller and sharper blade inside the katana with a single sudden swing , the sharp blade shone under the dim moonlight.

A few millimeters, and the demon would have died in an instant.


"Sorry," the male muttered before pushing his katana forward a little.

"I won't accept a no,"

The demon's eyes widened , before his instinct worked faster than his mind would.

"F-Fine! It's Kibutsuji Muzan...!! He's the one who offered me..!" The demon growled in frustration , his eyes kept locked on the threatening red katana."But i wont tell you further about him..."

The last sentence escaped his mouth in a whimper , and the demon slayer had known the reason.

The Kibutsuji Muzan guy had planted a curse on each demon he had.

A sigh escaped the demon slayer's lips , before he lowered his katana.He sheathed the long red and black katana , before turning on his heel.

"I-Im....free?" The demon's eyes widened in disbelief and slight joy , as he stared at the back of the demon slayer who stopped on his tracks as soon as he heard that.

" Oh right , sorry." The male turned his head slightly to the side , giving the demon a view of his dark small smile from side."I haven't given you your present , hm?"

The demon let out a small 'eh', before jolting in pain.


His body trembled greatly, while his hands gripped on his skull in order to heal the stinging cold thing in his head.

"Hm? Immobilized already? I haven't even started," the demon slayer eyed the demon with a slight mock.

The dark smile dissapeared from his face , right before he chanted something inaudible for the demon.

"Ice Breathing Technique: Second Form......."

"Winter Blood,"

A sudden great sting erupted in the demon's head , soon followed by the freezing pain in his whole body.

"G-Gaah..!!" The demon shrieked, as he recklessly gripped on his skull.

His grip soon loosened , and his body fell to the cold floor.

H-how did he..do that.....he didn't even use his katana for that...?

The demon slayer turned back to his tracks , ignoring the small 'how' the demon had said before exhaling his last breath and crumbling away.

"Kibutsuji Muzan again..." the demon slayer mumbled under his breath , before jumping to the trees, heading away from the abandoned house.

"It has been hundreds of victims.. "


Ring Ring

The bells on the side of the demon slayer's head rang as he landed on the cobblestone near the residence of his master.

"Okaeri, Akao-san," A short girl with a long bowl cut white hair greeted as the male in young blue snowflakes patterned haori is facing the waiting adult with the burned mark that filled half of his face.

The soft gaze of the adult made the male feel grateful somehow.

He bowed down on his knee and lowered his head.

"I'm back , Oyakata-san.I've handled the demons on the Shintogami Mountain.They are just a bunch of low ranked demons , attacking the nearby villages with no main goal," the demon slayer reported his mission to the said Oyakata-San, before earning a satisfied hum from the adult.

"Good job.You had always completed your mission with ease , Akao," Oyakata-San nodded in response , and the demon slayer nodded as he lifted his head."We'll discuss more detail about this mission tommorow,"

The demon slayer looked down before adding something , that might had haunted his mind for a while.

"I've been searching for more information.....The demons kept telling me--after being cornered of course-- that Kibutsuji Muzan , once again , is the one who offered them the demon blood.Do you think he's going attack us soon?"

Oyakata-san just stayed silent afterwards.He stared at the sky before putting up his usual sincere smile.

"We don't know , but," he stood up and smiled for the last time before turning on his heel.

"I'm sure we'll be safe with you and the other Hashiras around,"

The demon slayer furrowed his brows slightly before sighing internally.

Again with the 'optimistic' answer....

"Sometime , being an optimist has it's advantages , Akao.Now , go back and rest.You deserve one after a long tiring trip around the mountain," Oyakata-San chuckled faintly , still heading to his room.

I flinched as his usual 'mind reading' sentence left his mouth.

Seriously...Is he a mind reader..?

"Oh , and one more thing," Oyakata-San stopped on his tracks before turning his head albeit, showing his gentle expression.

"Hurry , put those fake hair away.Or you'll be seen by the other Hashiras.It'll be a bit fun for them to tease you if they knew that you dressed up as a male," a stiffled chuckle erupted from him , while the young blue haired demon slayer facepalmed.

"I know..."

"Well," Oyakata-San waved slightly before opening his sliding door.

"Good night , Akao,"


My 5th story !!

My first fanfic about Kimetsu no Yaiba!! I hope I can update a lot even under school pressures!!

Enjoy the next chapter!


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