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jae, what the fuck, no.

i'm sorry, tae.


thank you very much for everything, tae. for everything. thank you for coming into my life.. if my life's a movie? you're the best part of it

by the way, i just borrowed this phone from doyoung hyeong *chuckles* don't forget to thank him later




words can't express my love and gratitude for you, words can't express my apology for you.

i love you so much, tae...

to the yong to my jae, to the sweet to my heart, to my partner in crime, to my other half, to the love of my life, to my husband,

to lee taeyong,

i love you so much. i love you more. i love you more than most and i love you the most.





*voice at the lowest and softest tone*

we've been married for 4 years already but my love for you never changed.

i love you..

i'm sorry...

thank you.

thank you so much, taeyong.

i love you.

i'm sorry.

10:17 PM ;; JaeYong [✓]Where stories live. Discover now