chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Persuasion

Kurt couldn't stop smiling. He was on his way to Dalton to surprise his old Glee Club with 7 very excited girls in his car (so it's a big car, Sue me. Actually I'd rather not be faced by Sue Sylvester, please don't!), 3 in cheerleading uniforms, 3 in the leather outfits from their mash ups, and Lauren there for intimidation. No, I jest, she had her hair and make-up done, and was in a very pretty sundress, if Kurt did say so himself. 'Warblers, look out, you won't know what is going to hit you. Is it cruel that I'm using their hormones against them? No.' He thought, turning into Dalton's turning circle, heading to the student car park.

'Right ladies, you go and sit under that tree. Oh, take this for me and put it down there, you'll see where.' Kurt dug out a single daffodil, and gave it to Lauren and then pointed them towards the tree near the Warblers common room. He squared his shoulders and walked into his old school. That was a daunting thought.

'Woah, can you guys believe this place? It's magical!' Santana exclaimed.

'Magical? Like Hogwarts? I wonder if Harry Potter is here!' (AN: wink wink) Brittany started to bounce up and down, peering towards the Academy. Santana grabbed her arm and held her still.

'Come on, let's go and see what's special about this tree.' Lauren and the daffodil led the way to the old tree, the grass slightly more grown.

Pavarotti 2010-2011

'Oh my gosh, wasn't that?' Rachel looked towards Mercedes who wore the same expression. 'he didn't tell you did he?'

Mercedes shook her head. 'But he's buried here, which means he must've died whilst Kurt was still here...' Both girls pulled themselves together. 'Lauren, you have the honours.'

'Yeah, but why me? I'm not that close to him, so why me?' Lauren couldn't help but be confused.

Tina smiled. 'It's his way of letting you know that he was ok with you having his spot till he got back'

The big girl smiled and laid the daffodil down, feeling a new affection for the boy.

Kurt was trying to keep a low profile, but he had become quite popular at Dalton, and people kept on recognising him. A friendly smile and wave kept them away and quickly he was outside the Commons doors. Walking around to the back of the room, he found his secret door and slipped inside.

'Wes, come on, what is wrong with doing another Katy Perry song?' Blaine was a lot more pushy with the Warblers council ever since he and Kurt had sung together at Regionals.

'Because, Blaine, you remember Teenage Dream and we lose you for 20 minutes whilst you day-dream about how amazing Kurt was that day, and we wonder how you didn't figure out you liked him for 4 months.' Kurt had walked in at the perfect moment.

'Whilst I agree with the 4 months thing,' Heads shot round towards the grinning counter-tenor 'at least he figured it out before I left, not afterwards! Imagine the playlists!'

'KURT!' Blaine shot over to his boyfriend, a stampede of Warblers following him.

'What's this? Spying again?' Wes and David appeared with matching grins.

'I thought we were the ones that went to Nationals?' Kurt winked; technically he had lost along with the Warblers. 'Actually, I have a proposition for you. Council, may I have the floor?' Kurt tipped his head to the side, jutting his hip.

'Well, officially, only a student in Dalton uniform may approach the council.' Blaine looked at Thad incredulously. What was he playing at? This was Kurt!

'Well, it's a good thing I studied the Dalton handbook isn't it?' Kurt smirked and pulled out his Dalton blazer from his bag, donning it over his clothes. Oddly, it worked as an accessory. He looked towards Thad, who nodded. 'Warblers, I would like to cordially invite you to a gathering at McKinley High's gym; a gathering of the two most important groups in my life, not including my family: the Warblers and the New Directions.'

'Hey girls, look!' Rachel had looked towards the school and looked straight into the windows of the Warblers common room. From their position, they could see Kurt... in his Dalton Blazer? He was gesturing wildly. 'It doesn't look good. He said Wes and David would agree, but Thad would need convincing...' Mercedes nodded.

Suddenly, 16 pairs of eyes appeared at the window. Brittany, Quinn and Santana immediately giggled and waved, whilst Rachel and Mercedes looked at Kurt with smirks on their faces. Tina and Lauren felt slightly uncomfortable, but went along with whatever Kurt was planning.

'So gentlemen, would you like to meet the girls...' Kurt was cut off by 8 boys running out of the room immediately, the other 6 waiting for another 30 seconds but quickly following. Blaine stayed behind. 'You little sneak. How did you know they couldn't resist that?'

Kurt smiled and winked. 'If Rachel could make you feel straight...' Blaine caught on and stepped closer to his boyfriend.

'Do I need to prove I'm definitely gay?' Before Kurt could respond, Blaine's lips were on his with a delicious familiarity. Blaine pulled away. 'We should probably save the girls now.' Kurt nodded and took his boyfriends hand in his.

'Kurt, are you going to introduce us to these lovely ladies?' Trent turned and pleaded with his eyes.

'I would love to Trent, but we need to be off.' Kurt winked at Blaine. 'Glee meeting etc. After all, we expect to be seeing you boys at Nationals next year, and we plan to bring it.' The girls giggled as the boys just stared at Kurt. 'But if you come to the party, I could introduce you then...' Kurt waggled his eyebrows at the council members.

'I'm in!' 'Me too!' Wes and David chimed. All attention was on Thad, who was currently staring at Brittany. Santana smirked and linked pinkies with her, winking at the council member. He gulped.

'Ok, I'm in too!' Kurt clapped and squealed, gaining some strange looks from some of the Warblers.

'Great, see you Friday afternoon. 4:30?' Wes nodded. Kurt collected his girls, and they all linked arms with him, walking back to his car. Before they were out of sight, each girl turned and winked at the astounded Warblers and an amused Blaine.

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