Chapter one 😍

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        Word count 1914

I was walking down the street  headed to work at Hot Topic while listening to my favorite song, Jeepers Creepers by Mike's Dead. I wasn't paying attention to what i was doing so i ended up bumping into someone and i fell like usual. The person i bumped into felt muscular if it was enough to knock me down. The person offered me a hand, and thats when i actually looked up at said person and gasped because it was Mike. The same persons who music i was just listening too. I took his hand and he help me up, and i apologized about bumping into him. He said, "it's okay just be careful so you don't get hurt." He then picked up my phone and saw what song i was listening to. He laughed and said, " i like your taste in music," and handed me my phone back then he took off with a wave of his ring covered hand. I head back to work, i ended up being a little bit late but it was worth it.

        I was at home when i got a phone call from my best friend.
(In bold is me)
(In Italics is my best friend Mac or anyone fore that matter)

Mac🐍-Erin guess who just made a new EP!!!!!!!!!!
ME- Um I don't know who?
Mac🐍- No you have to guess!!!!! Duh
Me- Okay fine umm.....Panic At The D!sco?
Mac🐍- No i am shocked you haven't looked yet......Mike's Dead has a new EP!!!!!
Me- Shit..😱😱😱 ill be back stay on the line. I'm gonna listen and like every song and download them on Spotify.
Mac🐍- Okay

I quickly got on my laptop and opened Spotify and i found his new EP "USED TO IT" I listened to every song in the span of a couple of minutes. Well because i was so happy I wasn't paying attention to the songs. Though they are so good.

Mac🐍- So what do you think? Good right?
Me- Fuck yes.!!! Of course i will always listen and like his music.
Mac🐍- Okay just wanted you to know got to head to work. Love you Bitch❤️
Me- Okay love you too.❤️

I just know realized it was 2:30 pm and i have yet to get food because my fridge is empty like usual. (On the way to get food) I put on Mike's new EP and listen to the songs. The song Bother really gets to me because i feel like i bother everyone. (At the store) I was walking up and down the isles getting stuff i needed. Then i went to reach for some Roman Noodles and some body else went to reach for it the same time. My head saying, " how dare they do they know you starve and this is your favorite. This fucker". I look up and low and behold Mike again, so being my weird self I automatically start laughing awkwardly. Mike looks at me with a weird look. Then he asks, " Do I have something on my face?" No you don't, I am just very weird sorry. " It's okay, btw nice to see you again. Bump anyone again and fall." No thank god, you advice really worked. " No problem so me and not to be rude but what is your name?" ( i just realized i never told him my name) My name is Erin. " Well i already know you know who i am because you listen to my music" Yeah they really mean a lot to me. But i won't get into it but your new EP is fire btw. " Oh, thank you so much, well i have to get back home and get ready for a party" Oh cool i have to umm get back to my shitty apartment and do laundry. ( we both laughed) " well have a nice day Erin. See you around sometime". Okay will bye Mike. ( I died internally, like how can this human be so nice and hot. Every guy i was with which was 2 were complete jerks and i don't know why i stayed with them.)


        So i didn't feel like getting out of bed because it was only 10:30 and thats early for me. But I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to get up and go for a walk. Which is rare for me because i hate going out when it's hot. But it was actually pretty cool outside since it was nearing October. I ended up at this random park on the other sized of town that i have never been too. It looked like no-one was there because the benches look old and not really used. I guess no-one comes here. So i found the nearest bench and started to sing some random songs that popped into my head. I can't really sing well so when no-one is around I just do what i want to do. I felt as though i was being watched but i let it go because thats dumb. Then out of no where hands grabbed my shoulders. So i screamed and turned around and hit the person in the face. After i hit said person i felt so awful. I just hit Mike, I felt like crap and i never wanted to curl up into a ball and die more than right now. He groaned in pain as he held his face. I am so sorry I didn't mean to hit you. You just scared me. I feel so awful let me get you something to drink to apologize. " Thats okay i should've known you didn't hear me because you were singing. I kind of deserve this." No you don't. So I'm gonna buy you a drink to say I'm sorry for being a weirdo and accidentally hitting you. " You don't have to". But i want to. " really I'm fine". (So i did what i do best give my puppy dog eyes and say please really cute like) "Hugh fine one drink thats hit" Yay i win HAHAHAH. (AT THE CAFE)
Employee, " What can i get for you two today?" Mike what would you like? " Hi can i get a medium iced coffee with a shot of espresso and whipped cream on top?" Employee, " And what would you like Madam?" Yeah can i get a almond iced coffee with milk and sugar with whipped cream on the top please? Employee, " Is that all for you two today?" ( Mike and me simultaneously) Yes. Employee, " Okay your total today come to 6.75. Will that be cash or card?" Cash. Before i could pull out the money, Mike was handed the receipt. Mike i said i would pay. I'm the one who hit you. " I said you didn't have to because it was kinda my fault." But i want to make it up to you. " Maybe you can make it up to me some other way." What way. " let me take you on a proper date?"  I didn't know what to say. He looked at me like he was waiting for something. Realized i haven't answered him. Yeah, i would like that. " Good. I will pick you up tonight at 8:30. Wear something cute." As he said that he had a cute smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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