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I woke up Wednesday morning to an empty bed, which momentarily shocked me until I remembered how my life had changed within the past few days. I was in California, in an all-girls dorm at OAAA. It was a given that Percy wasn't beside me in bed.

I pulled my comforter up to my chin and shut my eyes again, hoping to gain a few more hours of precious sleep, but my mind was already running.

When Percy and I first started dating, it took us quite a bit to get used to the whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing. It was thrilling and nervewracking at the same time. We started slowly, by integrating more hugs and hand-holding into the equation. Then we switched to kissing. On the hand, on the cheek, on the neck, anywhere our lips could reach. Whenever Percy kissed the top of my head, my knees would go weak, and if I'm being honest, they still do.

The third step in our relationship was going to bed together. Although we had had a few sleepovers in our time, rarely did we ever set out to sleep in the same bed. The first time we genuinely planned to sleep in the same bed (besides the first day we got together because - let's face it - that was the honeymoon stage and we had no clue what was going on) was pretty awkward. But, gradually, we got used to the process of getting ready for bed and falling asleep to the sound of each other's breaths. In fact, some nights when I was at my own home, I could barely get to bed because I had nobody to cuddle with.

I sighed, smiling lightly. Percy, although he was joking, was right the day before; I was a very lucky girl. Not only had I found the love of my life at sixteen years old, but I had also met him back when I was twelve, he was sweet, funny, smart, and very attractive. Could there ever be a better guy?

I rolled over to the other side of my bed and saw Reyna, my roommate, sitting up on her own bed and typing on her phone.

"Morning," I mumbled.

She quirked up an eyebrow. "Good morning."

I held back a laugh at her properness. I was a serious person, and I knew that, but I couldn't comprehend someone being that formal in the morning.

"Do you have any plans today?" I asked her.

Reyna paused, before shaking her head. "No, you?"

"No, I'm free. How would you feel about grabbing breakfast at a diner or something?"

She hesitated. "I guess it wouldn't do any harm to get to know each other."

I smiled. "Great, how about we leave in half an hour?"


Approximately forty minutes later, Reyna and I found ourselves sitting at a booth in Hestia's Hearth, the small diner Percy and I had found a couple of days prior.

I smiled when I noticed a familiar petite, frizzy-haired waitress heading our way, two menus in hand. "Good morning, Hazel," I greeted her happily.

Something about the innocence and sweetness of the young girl gave me joy. I hardly knew her, but I wanted to take her under my wing and protect her from all the harm that the world had to offer.

She grinned at me, setting down the menus in front of us. "Morning, ladies. No boyfriends today?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm letting him sleep in, so it's just me and Reyna."

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