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Kira sat at his dining room table with a cup of tea, thinking about the day before. As much as he tried, he just couldn't get his mind off of that strange man, Guido Mista. Kira was so busy thinking about him that he had hardly even gotten any sleep. Kira didn't know why the appearance of Mista was so off-putting to him, but he knew it couldn't be good. After all, Kira always trusted his intuition. By the time he had finished his morning cup of tea, Kira had decided what he must do. He was going to find Mista and figure out just what he was up to.


Mista stood up and stretched. Spying on the citizens of Morioh was hard work, especially when no one seemed very suspicious. That was except for this random green-haired guy who lived alone and would regularly invite high schoolers over to his house, but Mista supposed everyone had that one creepy guy. He looked down at his blank notebook, wondering if he should call Giorno and ask for him to send someone else to help him. Nah, Mista thought, I can do this. I just need to get closer to these people and act casual so the potential stand user doesn't see me as a threat and feel the need to hide.

Mista sighed and glanced at his phone to check the time. He decided that it was probably about time he got some lunch. He didn't really know any of the food places in Morioh, but he figured that if he walked around long enough he would run into something good eventually. Morioh wasn't a super large town anyways. As he was walking, he got the feeling that someone was watching him. He tensed up and was about to turn around when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Ah if it isn't the newcomer! Guido Mista, right?" A friendly but calm voice came from behind Mista. Mista turned around to see the man from yesterday, Yoshikage Kira.

"Yep, that's me!" Mista smiled at the man. He was honestly happy he ran into Kira, it might be good to know someone who lives around here. He could end up helping Mista out a bit if there was seriously something shady going on in Morioh. "Say, I was just about to go get some lunch, would you wanna come with? I'm buyin', of course!"

"That would be very nice, although you do not have to pay for me. I would be happy to show you around Morioh a bit as well if you're interested," Kira said, accepting the offer gladly.


To be honest, Kira was a little irritated as he watched Mista chomp down on a sandwich. Not because of Mista, surprisingly, but because he had to refrain from pulling his beloved hand out from his pocket. Aside from that however, it was surprisingly pleasant hanging out with Mista. Kira almost felt... joyful? Kira brushed the thought away, deciding it was just because he had never hung out with anyone before. Everyone at his work annoyed Kira, and he would do just about anything to get out of associating with them outside of work.

As they talked over lunch, Kira learned that Mista was very.. interesting to say the least. He was quite loud and obnoxious, and often joked around about everything. Almost the complete opposite of Kira, but he found it quite nice after getting used to it.

"So," Kira spoke as he finished eating the last bite of his meal, "where did you say that you were from again, Italy was it?"  He glanced up at the other man who seemed distracted for a moment, but snapped out of it before Kira could say anything about it.

"Sure am! You would probably enjoy it there, it's pretty cool! There's always a ton of tourists and all that." Mista took a sip from his drink before continuing. "It's nice here but I also miss my friends back home. Honestly I'm surprised Giorno even trusted me to come here on my own. Y'know right before he sent me here Narancia was telling him.." Kira zoned out while Mista went on about his life back in Italy. It wasn't because of the fact that he didn't know those people, or that he didn't care all that much, but because he was focused on something else. He felt something weird when he was around Mista, not in that way, but Kira could swear that it almost felt as if Mista was... a stand user?

"But anyways, how about that tour you offered?" Kira looked up to see Mista looking excitedly at him. He wondered if he could have some ulterior motive for wanting to get close to Kira, or if he just so happened to be a stand user. Oh well, Kira thought. Might as well keep him around for now. Even if he does end up being a threat, at least I'll be able to keep a close eye on him. And with that thought, he took a quick moment to check to make sure the hand was still in his pocket, and motioned for Mista to follow him.

"You're right. We had better get going now then before it gets too late."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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