Chapter 14

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It's been about a week now and we're back in LA and I'm in the middle of exams. I haven't left my room since I've gotten back, as I have far too much studying to do.

When I say I haven't left my room, I'm not exaggerating.

Okay, maybe I am a little bit, but only to eat and shower. And when I eat, I bring it right back into my room.
I've taken 2 exams already: torts and civil procedure. This means I only have my contracts and criminal law finals left, my hardest ones.

I'm in the middle of reading through my outline when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I jump and look up to see Scott.

"You scared me," I said looking back down at my notes.

"You need to take a break," Scott said sitting down on my bed. I grow frustrated knowing he's not going to leave me alone meaning I'm not going to get any studying done.

"I'll take a break when finals are over," I say not looking at him and he sighs.

"Elena," He says.

"I'm fine," I can feel him looking at me but he just gets up and leaves.

About time.

Scott's POV (changin it up a lil bit)

I don't know what to do. She hasn't left her room and is working herself too hard. Every time I try to get her to take a break, she refuses to even look at me.

I'm currently hanging out with Todd and Jeff and we're trying to film a video, but I'm just not in the mood.

"Dude what's the mood?" Todd asked turning off the camera, obviously giving up.

"Elena has finals this week and she's working herself way too hard," I tell them.

"Why don't you talk to her?" Jeff asked, putting his phone down.

"I have. She doesn't listen," I say and Todd chuckles.

"Typical Elena," He says and I nod.

"I can try to talk to her," Jeff offers.

"It's worth a shot," I say with a sigh.
Let's hope he can get through to her.

Elena's POV

I take another sip of my coffee as I flip through my study guide. My contracts final is tomorrow morning, which means it's crunch time.

I hear a knock on my door but I know it's Scott so I ignore it.

A few seconds later the door opens and I can tell out of the corner of my eye that it's Jeff but I ignore him.

Why is he here?

I guarantee Scott enlisted him to talk to me.

"Elena," He says.
"What Jeff," I say frustrated. I can tell it's taken him off guard but I don't even care.

I can apologize after my finals.

"You seriously need a break," He says.

"Who are you to tell me that?" I sass. I normally would never speak to someone like this but the lack of sleep is definitely taking over.

"Lena, your eye bags have eye bags," He says and I can't help but chuckle at the comment.

"I'll take a break when finals are over," I tell him the same thing I told Scott.

However, instead of leaving like Scott did, he grabbed my books off of my bed.
"What are you doing?" I yell standing up to retrieve them.

"We're going to make a deal," He says and I cross my arms not liking the sound of it.

"If you take a half an hour to take a nap, I'll give you your material back," He says and my eyes widen.
"I don't have a half an hour. I have my contracts final tomorrow morning," I emphasize.

"You're not going to retain information if you're exhausted," He says and I know he's right.

After some convincing, I give in.

I climb into my bed and I feel my body instantly being overcome by sleep.


I'm woken up by Jeff shaking me and I groan as I come back to life.

"It's been an hour," He says.

"Jeff you said a half an hour," I instantly jump out of bed looking for my books.

"You needed it. I tried waking you up and you were completely out," He says and I yawn.

"Okay well thanks. I need to get back to studying now," I put my arms out waiting for the books.

"You know just reading through won't help you that much at this point," He says handing them to me.

"What're you talking about?" I ask as I get comfortable on my bed setting my books back up.

"I'm going to quiz you," he says and I look at him as though he has two heads.

"Just trust me," He says climbing onto my bed.

Over the next four hours, he quizzes me over the many topics and ideas that I need to know. I find that the time flies by and I'm actually enjoying studying now.

Hearing him trying to pronounce some of the words and talking in a posh accent repeatedly makes me laugh, and I just feel myself falling for him again.

But I told myself I can't.

I can't look desperate just going back to him.

But he did break up with Sabrina for me.

Before I know it we both fell asleep in my bed, and I feel so much less stressed.

I feel ready now for this exam.

All because I got to spend 4 hours with the guy that I can't help but feel crazy for. 


WOAH I just wrote this in less than an hour lol 

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